




Ovirt是一个开源的虚拟化管理平台,是RedHat 虚拟化管理平台RHEV的开源版本。



客户端ovirt-node 类似于vmware esxi,是由fedaro 16订制而成。也可以在linux系统上安装vdsm服务而得到一个ovirt客户端。

管理端overt-engine 类似于 vmware vcenter,但是是基于web页面的。



① 对宿主机节点的管理,支持基于数据中心,集群的管理,比较有特色的一个功能是可以管理ilo idarc等硬件管理卡;

② 对虚拟机的管理,可以完成虚拟机的创建、快照、删除、基于模版的克隆等常见操作;

③ 迁移,,在线及离线迁移虚拟机;

④ 高可用,当一台宿主机宕机,在另外一台宿主机上自动开启虚机;

⑤ 宿主机、虚拟机性能查看及统计;

⑥ 支持nfs,iscsi,fc等存储方式;

⑦ 支持多端口的网口绑定;

⑧ 提供一个命令行,可以完成图形界面的大部分功能;

⑨ 活动目录集成;

⑩ 提供python api接口,可以api编程;


1) 稳定目前较差,经常出现崩溃,连接出现问题;

2) 易用性较差,设计不人性化;

3) 没有cpu 内存很精细的调节限制功能;

4) 没有FT(Fault Tolerance)功能;

5) 宿主机、虚拟机性能查看及统计功能很简单,远没有vmware丰富;

6) 不支持分布式交换机;



The following requirements are typical for small- to medium sized installations. Note that the exact requirements of the setup depend on the specific installation, sizing and load. Please use the following requirements as guidelines:

1、oVirt Engine

· Minimum – Dual core server with 4 GB RAM, with 25 GB free disk space and 1 Gbps network interface.

· Recommended – Dual Sockets/Quad core server with 16 GB RAM, 50 GB free disk space on multiple disk spindles and 1 Gbps network interface. The breakdown(例外) of the server requirements are as below:

o For the Fedora 18 operating system: minimum 1 GB RAM and 5 GB local disk space.

o For the oVirt Engine: minimum 3 GB RAM, 3 GB local disk space and 1 Gbps network controller bandwidth.

o If you wish to create an ISO domain on the Engine server, you need minimum 15 GB disk space.

· The oVirt Engine must be configured to receive updates from the oVirt project’s software repository, as provided by the ovirt-release package.

· A client for connecting to oVirt Engine.

2、For each Host (oVirt Node or Fedora Host)

· Minimum – Dual core server, 10 GB RAM and 10 GB Storage, 1 Gbps network interface.

· Recommended – Dual socket server, 16 GB RAM and 50 GB storage, two 1 Gbps network interfaces. The breakdown of the server requirements are as below:

o For each host: AMD-V or Intel VT enabled, AMD64 or Intel 64 extensions, minimum 1 GB RAM, 3 GB free storage and 1 Gbps network interface.

o For virtual machines running on each host: minimum 1 GB RAM per virtual machine.

3、Storage and Networking

· At least one of the supported storage types (NFS, iSCSI, FCP, Local, POSIX FS).

o For NFS storage, a valid IP address and export path is required.

o For iSCSI storage, a valid IP address and target information is required.

· Static IP addresses for the oVirt Engine server and for each host server.

· DNS service which can resolve (forward and reverse) all the IP addresses.

· An existing DHCP server which can allocate network addresses for the virtual machines.???????????

Virtual Machines

· Installation images for creating virtual machines, depending on which operating system you wish to use




