Fedora 8下完全开启compiz-fusion特效(附图)

Fedora 8下开启compiz-fusion特效之后的3D效果截图(一)

1.下载ccsm软件包,并安装好2.关闭桌面效果3.sudo gedit /usr/bin/compiz-manager注释掉红色部分

代码:# start the gtk-window-decorator if presentif [ -x ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}emerald ] && [ “$USE_EMERALD” = “yes” ]; thenverbose “Starting emerald\n”${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}emerald –replace &#elif [ -x ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}gtk-window-decorator ] && [ -n “$GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID” ]; then#verbose “Starting gtk-window-decorator\n”#${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}gtk-window-decorator –replace &#elif [ -x ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}kde-window-decorator ] && [ -n “$KDE_FULL_SESSION” ]; then#verbose “Starting kde-window-decorator\n”#${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}kde-window-decorator –replace &#FALLBACKWM=”${KWIN}”elif [ -x ${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}emerald ]; thenverbose “Starting emerald\n”${COMPIZ_BIN_PATH}emerald –replace &保存退出。4.然后,系统->首选项->个人->会话添加compiz-manager,其他如名字和备注可自定义5.注销后重新登录6.打开emerald主题设置和compiz-config setting manager进行设置


之前发的方法必须手动运行emerald –replace才能更换主题,因此我做了更新,这个方法比较暴力,强行指定了emerald作为主题管理器,如果只是想compiz-fusion特效不想使用emerald改主题,则不必进行第3步.除此之外还有一种解决思路,国外已经有人作好了0.699版本for Fedora 8的非官方rpm包,将官方的compiz类的包全部删除,然后装上非官方的rpm包,即可像在F7中一样按照习惯继续使用(包括ccsm),

Compiz-fusion is that cool cube you may have seen in many linux desktop’s screenshots. It is provided through yum but for the time being there are no packages for fusion-icon (a tray icon to control compiz-fusion) and ccsm (compiz settings manager).

gitIf you want to install them also you can read my guide on How to compile and install compiz-fusion from git on Fedora 7. The steps should be the same.

Unoffical PackagesAlternativelly you can try some prebuilt unofficial packages. These are the packages that I also currently use until ccsm and fusion-icon will make it to the stable Fedora’s repositories.

If you are using x86_64 Fedora 8 download them from here .

If you are using i386 Fedora 8 download them from here .

After you download the tar.gz you want extract it in a sepperate directory and install them with:

$ sudo rpm -hiv *.rpm If you use only KDE you must not downlad

compiz-all-0.6.99-1.fc8.i386.rpmcompiz-gnome-0.6.99-1.fc8.i386.rpmcompizconfig-backend-gconf-0.6.99-1.fc8.i386.rpmcompizconfig-backend-gconf-debuginfo-0.6.99-1.fc8.i386.rpmfusion-icon-all-0.1-100.fc8.noarch.rpmfusion-icon-gtk-0.1-100.fc8.noarch.rpm Whereas if you use only Gnome you must not download

compiz-all-0.6.99-1.fc8.i386.rpmcompiz-kde-0.6.99-1.fc8.i386.rpmcompizconfig-backend-kconfig-0.6.99-1.fc8.i386.rpmcompizconfig-backend-kconfig-debuginfo-0.6.99-1.fc8.i386.rpmfusion-icon-all-0.1-100.fc8.noarch.rpmfusion-icon-qt-0.1-100.fc8.noarch.rpm Use yum to resolve dependencies. I also had to install the following packages:

$ sudo yum install PyQt mesa-libGLU-devel libdrm-devel When the installation completes run fusion-icon and you are ready! An icon should appear at your tray. You can access the ‘Settings Manager’ and the ‘Emerald Theme Manager’ from it easily.

Official PackagesIf you want to stick to the official fedora packages open a terminal and type:

For KDE users:

$ sudo yum install compiz compiz-kde compiz-bcop compiz-fusion compiz-fusion \compiz-fusion-extras compiz-fusion-extras-gnome compiz compizconfig-python \libcompizconfig libcompizconfig-devel gnome-compiz-manager kicker-compiz For Gnome users:

$ sudo yum install compiz compiz-gnome compiz-bcop compiz-fusion compiz-fusion \compiz-fusion-extras compiz-fusion-extras-gnome compiz compizconfig-python \libcompizconfig libcompizconfig-devel gnome-compiz-manager


Fedora 8下完全开启compiz-fusion特效(附图)


