使用 TbsZip 对 Zip 压缩文件进行操作

TbsZip 是一个 PHP 的类用来读写 Zip 压缩文件包,,该类无需 PHP 扩展或者是临时文件。TbsZip 可以对压缩文档中的文件进行读、写、修改和删除操作。


/* Some code examples for TbsZipSkrol29, 2010-09-03*/

include_once(‘tbszip.php’); // load the TbsZip library$zip = new clsTbsZip(); // create a new instance of the TbsZip class

$zip->CreateNew(); // start a new empty archive for adding files// or$zip->Open(‘an_existing_archive.zip’); // open an existing archive for reading and/or modifying

// ————————————————–// Reading information and data in the opened archive// ————————————————–

// check if a file is existing in the archive, the name must precise subfolders if any$ok = $zip->FileExists(‘subfolder/help.html’);

// count the files stored in the archive$file_nbr = count($zip->CdFileLst);

// retrieve the content of an compressed file in the archive$text1 = $zip->FileRead(‘readme.txt’);

// retrieve the content of an compressed file in a subfolder of the archive$text2 = $zip->FileRead(‘subfolder/readme.txt’);

if ($ok) $zip->FileExists(‘subfolder/help.html’);

// —————————–// Modifying data in the archive// —————————–

// add a file in the archive$zip->FileAdd(‘newfile.txt’, $data, TBSZIP_STRING); // add the file by giving the content$zip->FileAdd(‘newpic1.png’, ‘./images/localpic1.png’, TBSZIP_FILE); // add the file by copying a local file$zip->FileAdd(‘newpic2.png’, ‘./images/localpic2.png’, TBSZIP_FILE, false); // add the uncompressed file by copying a local file

// delete an existing file in the archive$zip->FileReplace(‘newfile.txt’, $data, TBSZIP_STRING); // replace the file by giving the content$zip->FileReplace(‘newpic1.png’, ‘./images/localpic1.png’, TBSZIP_FILE); // replace the file by copying a local file$zip->FileReplace(‘newpic2.png’, ‘./images/localpic2.png’, TBSZIP_FILE, false); // replace the uncompressed file by copying a local file$zip->FileReplace(‘newpic3.png’, false); // delete the file in the archive

// cancel the last modification on the file (add/replace/delete)$zip->FileCancelModif(‘newpic2.png’);

// ———————-// Applying modifications// ———————-

$zip->Flush(TBSZIP_FILE, ‘./save/new_archive.zip’); // apply modifications as a new local file

// apply modifications as an HTTP downloaded file$zip->Flush(TBSZIP_DOWNLOAD, ‘download.zip’);$zip->Flush(TBSZIP_DOWNLOAD, ‘download.zip’, ‘application/zip’); // with a specific Content-Type

// apply modifications as a downloaded file with your customized HTTP headersheader(“Content-type: application/force-download”);header(“Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=download.zip”);header(“Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 2010 05:00:00 GMT”);$zip->Flush(TBSZIP_DOWNLOAD+TBSZIP_NOHEADER);

// —————–// Close the archive// —————–

$zip->Close(); // stop to work with the opened archive. Modifications are not applied to the opened archive, use Flush() to commit


使用 TbsZip 对 Zip 压缩文件进行操作


