du :Disk Usage 命令

内容简介:文章专门介绍的命令du,,是Disk Usage命令的首字母缩写。常用的有:

du -adu -hdu -sdu -S


du is a disk usage command allows you to easily know file and directory sizes, also you can view file and directory sizes decreasing starting bybiggestfile, otherwise increasing by smallest file.

Here’re a few basic du commandsfrequentlyused.

du -a

du –all shows all files and directories included in currently opening directory.

du -h

du –human-readable views file and directory sizes with readable by human in KB, MB, and GB.

du -s

du –summarize display only a total for each argument.

du -S

du -separate-dirs command don’t includesub-directoriessizes.

du –time

Shows the last time modifications for each file, directory and sub-directories as well.

Check more du commands by typing

du –help

Few du advanced commands

Search current directory and sub-directories for biggest files

find rh | head

Shows file, directory and sub-directory sizes including hidden files with increase sorting.

du n

Shows file, directory and sub-directory sizes including hidden files with decrease sorting.

du nr


du :Disk Usage 命令


