用C、Python、Common Lisp实现tail命令及其性能测试

用C、Python、Common Lisp实现tail命令及其性能测试


前言1. Python版本一: 使用序列切片2. Python版本二: 使用deque3. C版本: 数换行符4. Common Lisp版本: 另一个C而已5. 对比结果:最后5行6. 对比结果:最后800行


前端时间在微博看到讨论用Python实现tail命令,即输出文件的最后N行,我便试试用C、Python、Common Lisp写个小程序,然后对比下性能。

我对Common Lisp是初学阶段,先从I/O、系统文件接口、Format、Package、ASDF入手的,对循环、宏等都不是很清楚,写的程序性能肯定不会太 高,对于C和Python,也是一知半解,就权当玩玩吧.

1. Python版本一: 使用序列切片

预计: 对小型文件效率会高,大型文件效率直线下降,因为是读取所有内容再切片。


python py-tail-v1.py num FILE1 [FILE2..]


#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-import os,sysdef tail(num=10, files=list()):    "open a file, show its last *num* lines"    if not isinstance(num,int) or num < 0:        print "**Error** the *num* should be Int number ( > 0)"        sys.exit(-1)    flag = True if len(files) > 1 else False    for filename in files:        if not os.path.exists(filename):            print "**Error** Can not find file ", filename            sys.exit(-1)        if flag:            print "==> "+filename+" <=="        cin = open(filename,"r")        for line in cin.readlines()[-num:]:            print line,        cin.close()if __name__ == "__main__":    if len(sys.argv) < 3:        print "Usage: ", sys.argv[0]," num FILE1 [FILE2..]  "        sys.exit(-1)    tail(int(sys.argv[1]),sys.argv[2:])
2. Python版本二: 使用deque

预计: 效率会高,是用C实现的封装,使用方面,应该总是使用这个。


python py-tail-v2.py num FILE1 [FILE2..]


#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-import os,sysfrom collections import dequedef tail(num=10, files=list()):    "open a file, show its last *num* lines"    if not isinstance(num,int) or num < 0:        print "**Error** the *num* should be Int number ( > 0)"        sys.exit(-1)    flag = True if len(files) > 1 else False    for filename in files:        if not os.path.exists(filename):            print "**Error** Can not find file ", filename            sys.exit(-1)        if flag:            print "==> "+filename+" <=="        with open(filename,"r") as cin:            lines = deque(cin,num)        cin.close()        for line in lines:            print line,if __name__ == "__main__":    if len(sys.argv) < 3:        print "Usage: ", sys.argv[0]," num FILE1 [FILE2..]  "        sys.exit(-1)    tail(int(sys.argv[1]),sys.argv[2:])
3. C版本: 数换行符



./c-tail num FILE1 [FILE2..]


#include <stdio.h>/* * @num  : the last num line of file to display * @files: a file list * @len  : the length of @files list * * @return: void * * * sum of the '\n' to get the position of last @num line, * thus display the last @num line one by one */void tail(int num, char *files[],int len){    FILE *fp;    char buf[1024];    char ch;    int i = 0;    int pos = 0;    int count = 0;    int length = 0;    for (i=0; i < len; i++){        fp = fopen(files[i],"r");        if (NULL == fp){            printf("Can not open file %s\n",files[i]);        }            if(1 < len){            printf("==> %s <==\n",files[i]);        }        pos = -1;        count = 0;        length = 0;        while(count <= num){            if(ftell(fp) == (SEEK_SET+1)){                fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET);                break;            }            fseek(fp,pos,SEEK_END);            pos -= 1;            ch = fgetc(fp);            if(ch == '\n'){                count += 1;            }            if(length == 0){                length = ftell(fp);            }        }        while(feof(fp) != 1){            if (ftell(fp) == length){                break;            }            fgets(buf,1024,fp);            printf("%s",buf);            fflush(fp);        }        fclose(fp);    }}int main(int argc, char **argv){    char *files[argc];    int i = 1;    if (3 > argc){        printf("Usage: %s num FILE1 [FILE2..]\n", argv[0]);        return -1;    }    for (i = 2; i < argc; i++){        files[i-2] = argv[i];    }    tail(atoi(argv[1]),files,argc-2);    return 0;}  
4. Common Lisp版本: 另一个C而已

预计: 由于对CL不熟悉,思路和C一样,效率就不要考虑了。


sbcl --script c-tail.lisp num FILE1 [FILE2..]


;; 2013-09-27;; Leslie Zhu;; pythonisland@gmail.com;;;;(in-package :cl-user)(defpackage :cz.leslie.tail  (:nicknames :cz-tail)  (:use :cl :cl-user)  (:export :display           :tail-stream           :tail-file           :tail))(in-package :cz-tail)(defun display(stream pos)  "read last lines from positon of stream"  (file-position stream pos)  (loop for line = (read-line stream nil)     while line do (format t "~a~%" line)))(defun tail-stream (stream num)  "display the last *num* line from a *stream*"  (let ((count -1)        (pos 1)        (len (file-length stream)))    (file-position stream (- len pos))    (loop for char = (read-char stream nil)       while char do          (when (< count num)           (progn             (if (char= char #\Newline)                 (setq count (+ count 1)))             (if (= count num)                 (display stream (- len (- pos 1))))             (setq pos (+ pos 1))                        (if (>= pos len)                  (display stream 0)                 (file-position stream (- len pos))))))))(defun tail-file (num filename)  "Open a file, return stream for reading"  (with-open-file (stream filename                          :direction :input                          :if-does-not-exist nil)    (tail-stream stream num)))(defun tail (num files)  "open every file in files, tail the last *num* line"  (if (> num 0)      (dolist (file files)         (if (> (length files) 1)            (format t "==> ~a <==~%" file))        (tail-file num file))));; test(defvar *num* (car (cdr sb-ext:*posix-argv*)))(defvar *files* (cdr (cdr sb-ext:*posix-argv*)))(tail  (parse-integer *num*) *files*)
5. 对比结果:最后5行

文件大小 Python版本一 Python版本二 C版本 Common Lisp版本 GNU/Linux tail 4Kreal 0m0.032sreal 0m0.105sreal 0m0.001sreal 0m0.027sreal 0m0.001s 8Mreal 0m0.045sreal 0m0.046sreal 0m0.003sreal 0m0.044sreal 0m0.002s 59Mreal 0m0.131sreal 0m0.105sreal 0m0.002sreal 0m0.039sreal 0m0.001s 110Mreal 0m0.228sreal 0m0.178sreal 0m0.002sreal 0m0.036sreal 0m0.002s 1.2Greal 0m15.754sreal 0m9.148sreal 0m0.071sreal 0m0.037sreal 0m0.037s


对于小型文件,Python版本一比版本二更快;对于大型文件,版本二性能更好;两个版本应对一般的小文件性能足够,大文件就算了吧.C语言版本的速度是神速,和GNU/Linux的tail命令还是差一点;在大型文件时,性能依旧比较高;Common Lisp的速度竟然比Python快,出乎意外测试不是大量测试然后取平均值,属于个别测试,有很大的随机性,不足为凭

6. 对比结果:最后800行

文件大小 Python版本一 Python版本二 C版本 Common Lisp版本 GNU/Linux tail 4Kreal 0m0.064sreal 0m0.035sreal 0m0.020sreal 0m0.032sreal 0m0.347s8Mreal 0m0.467sreal 0m0.437sreal 0m0.485sreal 0m1.446sreal 0m0.370s59Mreal 0m1.545sreal 0m1.517sreal 0m0.459sreal 0m1.403sreal 0m0.343s110Mreal 0m2.362sreal 0m2.531sreal 0m0.463sreal 0m1.404sreal 0m0.352s1.2Greal 0m6.580sreal 0m5.312sreal 0m0.457sreal 0m1.446sreal 0m0.350s



虽然测试的方法值得商榷,但基本的测试做完后,对Common Lisp的信心满满的,速度没有传说的那么低嘛!

源码: https://github.com/LeslieZhu/epos.git


朱春来(Leslie Zhu),金融工程师,毕业于西安电子科技大学, 喜欢历史,喜欢编程. 日常在GNU/Linux环境下进行C/C++、Python开发,对Common Lisp、Node.js、金融等感兴趣。可以通过邮箱(pythonisland@gmail.com)联系他,或者直接在他的个人主页上留言.

访问朱春来(Leslie Zhu)的个人主页(http://lesliezhu.github.com)

用C、Python、Common Lisp实现tail命令及其性能测试


