
欢迎进入IT技术社区论坛,与200万技术人员互动交流 >>进入 设备驱动程序是操作系统内核和机器硬件之间的接口,它为应用程序屏蔽硬件的细节,一般来说,Linux的设备驱动程序需要完成如下功能:





  Linux下的设备驱动程序被组织为一组完成不同任务的函数的集合,通过这些函数使得Windows的设备操作犹如文件一般。在应用程序看来,硬件设备只是一个设备文件,应用程序可以象操作普通文件一样对硬件设备进行操作,如open ()、close ()、read ()、write () 等。



  由于Linux驱动程序在内核中运行,因此在设备驱动程序需要申请/释放内存时,不能使用用户级的malloc/free函数,而需由内核级的函数kmalloc/kfree () 来实现,kmalloc()函数的原型为:

void kmalloc (size_t size ,int priority);


GFP_KERNEL 表示等待,即等kmalloc()函数将一些内存安排到交换区来满足你的内存需要,GFP_ATOMIC 表示不等待,如不能立即分配到内存则返回0 值;函数的返回值指向已分配内存的起始地址,出错时,返回0。

  kmalloc ()分配的内存需用kfree()函数来释放,kfree ()被定义为:

# define kfree (n) kfree_s( (n) ,0)

  其中kfree_s () 函数原型为:

void kfree_s (void * ptr ,int size);

  参数ptr为kmalloc()返回的已分配内存的指针,size是要释放内存的字节数,若为0 时,由内核自动确定内存的大小。



int request_irq (unsigned int irq ,void( * handler) int ,unsigned long type ,char * name);

参数irq为要中断请求号,参数handler为指向中断服务程序的指针,参数type 用来确定是正常中断还是快速中断(正常中断指中断服务子程序返回后,内核可以执行调度程序来确定将运行哪一个进程;而快速中断是指中断服务子程序返回后,立即执行被中断程序,正常中断type 取值为0 ,快速中断type 取值为SA_INTERRUPT),参数name是设备驱动程序的名称。



#include <Linux/config.h> #include <Linux/devfs_fs_kernel.h> static void mtd_notify_add(struct mtd_info* mtd); static void mtd_notify_remove(struct mtd_info* mtd); static struct mtd_notifier notifier = {  mtd_notify_add,  mtd_notify_remove,  NULL }; static devfs_handle_t devfs_dir_handle = NULL; static devfs_handle_t devfs_rw_handle[MAX_MTD_DEVICES];

static struct mtdblk_dev {  struct mtd_info *mtd; /* Locked */  int count;  struct semaphore cache_sem;  unsigned char *cache_data;  unsigned long cache_offset;  unsigned int cache_size;  enum { STATE_EMPTY, STATE_CLEAN, STATE_DIRTY } cache_state; } *mtdblks[MAX_MTD_DEVICES];

static spinlock_t mtdblks_lock; /* this lock is used just in kernels >= 2.5.x */ static spinlock_t mtdblock_lock;

static int mtd_sizes[MAX_MTD_DEVICES]; static int mtd_blksizes[MAX_MTD_DEVICES];

static void erase_callback(struct erase_info *done) {  wait_queue_head_t *wait_q = (wait_queue_head_t *)done->priv;  wake_up(wait_q); }

static int erase_write (struct mtd_info *mtd, unsigned long pos, int len, const char *buf) {  struct erase_info erase;  DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);  wait_queue_head_t wait_q;  size_t retlen;  int ret;

 /*  * First, let’s erase the flash block.  */

 init_waitqueue_head(&wait_q);  erase.mtd = mtd;  erase.callback = erase_callback;  erase.addr = pos;  erase.len = len;  erase.priv = (u_long)&wait_q;

 set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);  add_wait_queue(&wait_q, &wait);

 ret = MTD_ERASE(mtd, &erase);  if (ret) {   set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);   remove_wait_queue(&wait_q, &wait);   printk (KERN_WARNING “mtdblock: erase of region [0x%lx, 0x%x] ” “on /”%s/” failed/n”, pos, len, mtd->name);   return ret;  }

 schedule(); /* Wait for erase to finish. */  remove_wait_queue(&wait_q, &wait);

 /*  * Next, writhe data to flash.  */

 ret = MTD_WRITE (mtd, pos, len, &retlen, buf);  if (ret)   return ret;  if (retlen != len)   return -EIO;  return 0; }

static int write_cached_data (struct mtdblk_dev *mtdblk) {  struct mtd_info *mtd = mtdblk->mtd;  int ret;

 if (mtdblk->cache_state != STATE_DIRTY)   return 0;

 DEBUG(MTD_DEBUG_LEVEL2, “mtdblock: writing cached data for /”%s/” ” “at 0x%lx, size 0x%x/n”, mtd->name, mtdblk->cache_offset, mtdblk->cache_size);

 ret = erase_write (mtd, mtdblk->cache_offset, mtdblk->cache_size, mtdblk->cache_data);  if (ret)   return ret;

 mtdblk->cache_state = STATE_EMPTY;  return 0; }

static int do_cached_write (struct mtdblk_dev *mtdblk, unsigned long pos, int len, const char *buf) {  … }

static int do_cached_read (struct mtdblk_dev *mtdblk, unsigned long pos, int len, char *buf) {  … }

static int mtdblock_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) {  … }

static release_t mtdblock_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) {  int dev;  struct mtdblk_dev *mtdblk;  DEBUG(MTD_DEBUG_LEVEL1, “mtdblock_release/n”);

 if (inode == NULL)   release_return(-ENODEV);

 dev = minor(inode->i_rdev);  mtdblk = mtdblks[dev];

 down(&mtdblk->cache_sem);  write_cached_data(mtdblk);  up(&mtdblk->cache_sem);

 spin_lock(&mtdblks_lock);  if (!–mtdblk->count) {   /* It was the last usage. Free the device */   mtdblks[dev] = NULL;   spin_unlock(&mtdblks_lock);   if (mtdblk->mtd->sync)    mtdblk->mtd->sync(mtdblk->mtd);    put_mtd_device(mtdblk->mtd);    vfree(mtdblk->cache_data);    kfree(mtdblk);  } else {   spin_unlock(&mtdblks_lock);  }

 DEBUG(MTD_DEBUG_LEVEL1, “ok/n”);    BLK_DEC_USE_COUNT;  release_return(0); }

/* * This is a special request_fn because it is executed in a process context * to be able to sleep independently of the caller. The * io_request_lock (for <2.5) or queue_lock (for >=2.5) is held upon entry * and exit. The head of our request queue is considered active so there is * no need to dequeue requests before we are done. */ static void handle_mtdblock_request(void) {  struct request *req;  struct mtdblk_dev *mtdblk;  unsigned int res;

 for (;;) {   INIT_REQUEST;   req = CURRENT;   spin_unlock_irq(QUEUE_LOCK(QUEUE));   mtdblk = mtdblks[minor(req->rq_dev)];   res = 0;

  if (minor(req->rq_dev) >= MAX_MTD_DEVICES)    panic(“%s : minor out of bound”, __FUNCTION__);

  if (!IS_REQ_CMD(req))    goto end_req;

  if ((req->sector + req->current_nr_sectors) > (mtdblk->mtd->size >> 9))    goto end_req;

  // Handle the request   switch (rq_data_dir(req))   {    int err;

   case READ:     down(&mtdblk->cache_sem);     err = do_cached_read (mtdblk, req->sector << 9, req->current_nr_sectors << 9, req->buffer);     up(&mtdblk->cache_sem);     if (!err)      res = 1;     break;

   case WRITE:     // Read only device     if ( !(mtdblk->mtd->flags & MTD_WRITEABLE) )      break;

    // Do the write     down(&mtdblk->cache_sem);     err = do_cached_write (mtdblk, req->sector << 9,req->current_nr_sectors << 9, req->buffer);     up(&mtdblk->cache_sem);     if (!err)      res = 1;     break;   }

 end_req:  spin_lock_irq(QUEUE_LOCK(QUEUE));  end_request(res); } }

static volatile int leaving = 0; static DECLARE_MUTEX_LOCKED(thread_sem); static DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(thr_wq);

int mtdblock_thread(void *dummy) {  … }

#define RQFUNC_ARG request_queue_t *q

static void mtdblock_request(RQFUNC_ARG) {  /* Don’t do anything, except wake the thread if necessary */  wake_up(&thr_wq); }

static int mtdblock_ioctl(struct inode * inode, struct file * file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) {  struct mtdblk_dev *mtdblk;  mtdblk = mtdblks[minor(inode->i_rdev)];  switch (cmd) {   case BLKGETSIZE: /* Return device size */    return put_user((mtdblk->mtd->size >> 9), (unsigned long *) arg);

  case BLKFLSBUF:    if(!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))     return -EACCES;    fsync_dev(inode->i_rdev);    invalidate_buffers(inode->i_rdev);    down(&mtdblk->cache_sem);    write_cached_data(mtdblk);    up(&mtdblk->cache_sem);    if (mtdblk->mtd->sync)     mtdblk->mtd->sync(mtdblk->mtd);     return 0;   default:    return -EINVAL;  } }

static struct block_device_operations mtd_fops = {  owner: THIS_MODULE,  open: mtdblock_open,  release: mtdblock_release,  ioctl: mtdblock_ioctl };

static void mtd_notify_add(struct mtd_info* mtd) {  … }

static void mtd_notify_remove(struct mtd_info* mtd) {  if (!mtd || mtd->type == MTD_ABSENT)   return;

 devfs_unregister(devfs_rw_handle[mtd->index]); }

int __init init_mtdblock(void) {  int i;

 spin_lock_init(&mtdblks_lock);  /* this lock is used just in kernels >= 2.5.x */  spin_lock_init(&mtdblock_lock);

 #ifdef CONFIG_DEVFS_FS  if (devfs_register_blkdev(MTD_BLOCK_MAJOR, DEVICE_NAME, &mtd_fops))  {   printk(KERN_NOTICE “Can’t allocate major number %d for Memory Technology Devices./n”, MTD_BLOCK_MAJOR);   return -EAGAIN;  }

 devfs_dir_handle = devfs_mk_dir(NULL, DEVICE_NAME, NULL);  register_mtd_user(&notifier);  #else   if (register_blkdev(MAJOR_NR,DEVICE_NAME,&mtd_fops)) {    printk(KERN_NOTICE “Can’t allocate major number %d for Memory Technology Devices./n”, MTD_BLOCK_MAJOR);   return -EAGAIN;  }  #endif

/* We fill it in at open() time. */ for (i=0; i< MAX_MTD_DEVICES; i++) {  mtd_sizes[i] = 0;  mtd_blksizes[i] = BLOCK_SIZE; } init_waitqueue_head(&thr_wq); /* Allow the block size to default to BLOCK_SIZE. */ blksize_size[MAJOR_NR] = mtd_blksizes; blk_size[MAJOR_NR] = mtd_sizes;

BLK_INIT_QUEUE(BLK_DEFAULT_QUEUE(MAJOR_NR), &mtdblock_request, &mtdblock_lock);

kernel_thread (mtdblock_thread, NULL, CLONE_FS|CLONE_FILES|CLONE_SIGHAND); return 0; }

static void __exit cleanup_mtdblock(void) {  leaving = 1;  wake_up(&thr_wq);  down(&thread_sem);  #ifdef CONFIG_DEVFS_FS   unregister_mtd_user(&notifier);   devfs_unregister(devfs_dir_handle);   devfs_unregister_blkdev(MTD_BLOCK_MAJOR, DEVICE_NAME);  #else   unregister_blkdev(MAJOR_NR,DEVICE_NAME);  #endif  blk_cleanup_queue(BLK_DEFAULT_QUEUE(MAJOR_NR));  blksize_size[MAJOR_NR] = NULL;  blk_size[MAJOR_NR] = NULL; }

module_init(init_mtdblock); module_exit(cleanup_mtdblock);






