






你在下面的程序中找到这个nt led[LED_NUM] = {5,6,7,8}; /* Four LEDs use GPB5,GPB6,GPB8,GPB10 */,因为我的led是在GPBIO5、6、7、8这个几个端口,结合你自己的情况修改,其他的不用改

/********************************************************************************** Copyright: (C) 2012 Guo Wenxue<> * All rights reserved.** Filename: s3c_led.c* Description: This file* * Version: 1.0.0(07/26/2012~)* Author: Guo Wenxue <>* ChangeLog: 1, Release initial version on "07/26/2012 10:03:40 PM"* ********************************************************************************/#include <linux/module.h> /* Every Linux kernel module must include this head */#include <linux/init.h> /* Every Linux kernel module must include this head */#include <linux/kernel.h> /* printk() */#include <linux/fs.h> /* struct fops */#include <linux/errno.h> /* error codes */#include <linux/cdev.h> /* cdev_alloc() */#include <asm/io.h> /* ioremap() */#include <linux/ioport.h> /* request_mem_region() */#include <asm/ioctl.h> /* Linux kernel space head file for macro _IO() to generate ioctl command */#ifndef __KERNEL__#include <sys/ioctl.h> /* User space head file for macro _IO() to generate ioctl command */#endif//#include <linux/printk.h> /* Define log level KERN_DEBUG, no need include here */#define DRV_AUTHOR "Guo Wenxue <>"#define DRV_DESC "S3C24XX LED driver"#define DEV_NAME "led"#define LED_NUM 4/* Set the LED dev major number *///#define LED_MAJOR 79#ifndef LED_MAJOR#define LED_MAJOR 0#endif#define DRV_MAJOR_VER 1#define DRV_MINOR_VER 0#define DRV_REVER_VER 0#define DISABLE 0#define ENABLE 1#define GPIO_INPUT 0x00#define GPIO_OUTPUT 0x01#define PLATDRV_MAGIC 0x60#define LED_OFF _IO (PLATDRV_MAGIC, 0x18)#define LED_ON _IO (PLATDRV_MAGIC, 0x19)#define S3C_GPB_BASE 0x56000010#define GPBCON_OFFSET 0#define GPBDAT_OFFSET 4#define GPBUP_OFFSET 8#define S3C_GPB_LEN 0x10 /* 0x56000010~0x56000020 */int led[LED_NUM] = {5,6,7,8}; /* Four LEDs use GPB5,GPB6,GPB8,GPB10 */static void __iomem *s3c_gpb_membase;#define s3c_gpio_write(val, reg) __raw_writel((val), (reg)+s3c_gpb_membase)#define s3c_gpio_read(reg) __raw_readl((reg)+s3c_gpb_membase)int dev_count = ARRAY_SIZE(led);int dev_major = LED_MAJOR;int dev_minor = 0;int debug = DISABLE;static struct cdev *led_cdev;static int s3c_hw_init(void){ int i; volatile unsigned long gpb_con, gpb_dat, gpb_up; if(!request_mem_region(S3C_GPB_BASE, S3C_GPB_LEN, "s3c2440 led")) { return -EBUSY; } if( !(s3c_gpb_membase=ioremap(S3C_GPB_BASE, S3C_GPB_LEN)) ) { release_mem_region(S3C_GPB_BASE, S3C_GPB_LEN); return -ENOMEM; } for(i=0; i<dev_count; i++) { /* Set GPBCON register, set correspond GPIO port as input or output mode */ gpb_con = s3c_gpio_read(GPBCON_OFFSET); gpb_con &= ~(0x3<<(2*led[i])); /* Clear the currespond LED GPIO configure register */ gpb_con |= GPIO_OUTPUT<<(2*led[i]); /* Set the currespond LED GPIO as output mode */ s3c_gpio_write(gpb_con, GPBCON_OFFSET); /* Set GPBUP register, set correspond GPIO port pull up resister as enable or disable */ gpb_up = s3c_gpio_read(GPBUP_OFFSET); //gpb_up &= ~(0x1<<led[i]); /* Enable pull up resister */ gpb_up |= (0x1<<led[i]); /* Disable pull up resister */ s3c_gpio_write(gpb_up, GPBUP_OFFSET); /* Set GPBDAT register, set correspond GPIO port power level as high level or low level */ gpb_dat = s3c_gpio_read(GPBDAT_OFFSET); //gpb_dat &= ~(0x1<<led[i]); /* This port set to low level, then turn LED on */ gpb_dat |= (0x1<<led[i]); /* This port set to high level, then turn LED off */ s3c_gpio_write(gpb_dat, GPBDAT_OFFSET); } return 0;}static void turn_led(int which, unsigned int cmd){ volatile unsigned long gpb_dat; gpb_dat = s3c_gpio_read(GPBDAT_OFFSET); if(LED_ON == cmd) { gpb_dat &= ~(0x1<<led[which]); /* Turn LED On */ } else if(LED_OFF == cmd) { gpb_dat |= (0x1<<led[which]); /* Turn LED off */ } s3c_gpio_write(gpb_dat, GPBDAT_OFFSET);}static void s3c_hw_term(void){ int i; volatile unsigned long gpb_dat; for(i=0; i<dev_count; i++) { gpb_dat = s3c_gpio_read(GPBDAT_OFFSET); gpb_dat |= (0x1<<led[i]); /* Turn LED off */ s3c_gpio_write(gpb_dat, GPBDAT_OFFSET); } release_mem_region(S3C_GPB_BASE, S3C_GPB_LEN); iounmap(s3c_gpb_membase);}static int led_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file){ int minor = iminor(inode); file->private_data = (void *)minor; printk(KERN_DEBUG "/dev/led%d opened.\n", minor); return 0;}static int led_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file){ printk(KERN_DEBUG "/dev/led%d closed.\n", iminor(inode)); return 0;}static void print_help(void){ printk("Follow is the ioctl() commands for %s driver:\n", DEV_NAME); //printk("Enable Driver debug command: %u\n", SET_DRV_DEBUG); printk("Turn LED on command : %u\n", LED_ON); printk("Turn LED off command : %u\n", LED_OFF); return;}static long led_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg){ int which = (int)file->private_data; switch (cmd) { case LED_ON: turn_led(which, LED_ON); break; case LED_OFF: turn_led(which, LED_OFF); break; default: printk(KERN_ERR "%s driver don’t support ioctl command=%d\n", DEV_NAME, cmd); print_help(); break; } return 0;}static struct file_operations led_fops ={ .owner = THIS_MODULE, .open = led_open, .release = led_release, .unlocked_ioctl = led_ioctl,};static int __init s3c_led_init(void){ int result; dev_t devno; if( 0 != s3c_hw_init() ) { printk(KERN_ERR "s3c2440 LED hardware initialize failure.\n"); return -ENODEV; } /* Alloc the device for driver */ if (0 != dev_major) /* Static */ { devno = MKDEV(dev_major, 0); result = register_chrdev_region (devno, dev_count, DEV_NAME); } else { result = alloc_chrdev_region(&devno, dev_minor, dev_count, DEV_NAME); dev_major = MAJOR(devno); } /* Alloc for device major failure */ if (result < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "S3C %s driver can’t use major %d\n", DEV_NAME, dev_major); return -ENODEV; } printk(KERN_DEBUG "S3C %s driver use major %d\n", DEV_NAME, dev_major); if(NULL == (led_cdev=cdev_alloc()) ) { printk(KERN_ERR "S3C %s driver can’t alloc for the cdev.\n", DEV_NAME); unregister_chrdev_region(devno, dev_count); return -ENOMEM; }s3c_led.c led_cdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; cdev_init(led_cdev, &led_fops); result = cdev_add(led_cdev, devno, dev_count); if (0 != result) { printk(KERN_INFO "S3C %s driver can’t reigster cdev: result=%d\n", DEV_NAME, result); goto ERROR; } printk(KERN_ERR "S3C %s driver[major=%d] version %d.%d.%d installed successfully!\n", DEV_NAME, dev_major, DRV_MAJOR_VER, DRV_MINOR_VER,DRV_REVER_VER); return 0;ERROR: printk(KERN_ERR "S3C %s driver installed failure.\n", DEV_NAME); cdev_del(led_cdev); unregister_chrdev_region(devno, dev_count); return result;}static void __exit s3c_led_exit(void){ dev_t devno = MKDEV(dev_major, dev_minor); s3c_hw_term(); cdev_del(led_cdev); unregister_chrdev_region(devno, dev_count); printk(KERN_ERR "S3C %s driver version %d.%d.%d removed!\n", DEV_NAME, DRV_MAJOR_VER, DRV_MINOR_VER,DRV_REVER_VER); return ;}/* These two functions defined in <linux/init.h> */module_init(s3c_led_init);module_exit(s3c_led_exit);module_param(debug, int, S_IRUGO);module_param(dev_major, int, S_IRUGO);MODULE_AUTHOR(DRV_AUTHOR);MODULE_DESCRIPTION(DRV_DESC);MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");


obj-m := s3c_led.oKERNELDIR := ~/kernel/linux-3.0-fulinux/PWD := $(shell pwd)modules: $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) modulesmodules_install: $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) modules_installclean: rm -rf *.o *~core .depend .*.cmd *.ko *.mod.c .tmp_versions *odule* $(TARGET)

3、应用程序代码如下,编译的时候是没有用makefile文件的,你只需要用arm-linux-gcc -o led_test led_test.c命令或者你的编译器的绝对路径,我的是

/opt/buildroot-2012.08/arm920t/usr/bin/arm-linux-gcc -o led_test led_test.c

/********************************************************************************** Copyright: (C) 2013 fulinux<fulinux> * All rights reserved.** Filename: led_test.c* Description: This file is used to test led* * Version: 1.0.0(2013年04月04日~)* Author: fulinux <>* ChangeLog: 1, Release initial version on "2013年04月04日 14时19分53秒"* ********************************************************************************/#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/ioctl.h>#include <asm/ioctl.h> /* Linux kernel space head file for macro _IO() to generate ioctl command */#ifndef __KERNEL__#include <sys/ioctl.h> /* User space head file for macro _IO() to generate ioctl command */#endif#define PLATDRV_MAGIC 0x60#define LED_OFF _IO (PLATDRV_MAGIC, 0x18)#define LED_ON _IO (PLATDRV_MAGIC, 0x19)int main(int argc, char **argv){ int on; int led_no; int fd; fd = open("/dev/led", 0); if (fd < 0) { fd = open("/dev/led", 0); } if (fd < 0) { perror("open device led"); exit(1); } ioctl(fd, LED_ON, 0); close(fd); return 0;}

4、编译完成后通过你的方式将s3c_led.ko 和led_test这两个执行文件送到开发板上,我是通过tftp服务器

tftp -gr s3c_led.ko

tftp -gr led_test



ifconfig eth0 netmask

routeadd default gw


insmod s3c_led.ko





mknod /dev/led c 253 0


chmod 777 led_test











下 篇:linux设备驱动篇之LED驱动(二)

PC 平 台:ubuntu12.10

开 发 板:tq2440fl2440


作 者:fulinux





