Over the wall with SSH Linux

1.get the SSH account, some free account you can get from the web, i recommend this which i use, it is free and quikily enough, and it is not an AD, i promise, hehe, <www.myssh.in>,if you use Windows OS, you can follow the method that web tell you, you will easily reach your goal. now we talk about linux os.

now you can get a free account: usr_name, server_name, passwd.

2.download Firefox Web Browse, it is easy to get.

3.add firefox add-ons, tools->add-ons, search "Autoproxy", install it. set the default server: ssh -D

4.open your terminal, use command "ssh -qTfnN -D 7070 usr_name@server_name", and input your passwd, enjoy it!

5.type "www.twitter.com" in the address bar to test it, now you can follow some people, such like Stefsunyanzi, TwoCold, Ladygaga……and you can follow me too, ^_^ my twitter: http://www.twitter.com/u0fly


Over the wall with SSH Linux


