
第二部分看完了, 但是字节码部分还是有很多不懂的地方, 这部分等以后有长进了在回来读一遍…


1. Python的编译结果

Code对象和pyc文件, Python执行原理虚拟机, 字节码

当输入命令python my_program.py时:


1.1. PyCodeObject对象

编译结果存在内存中的PyCodeObject对象中, python运行结束后, 编译结果又被保存到pyc文件中, 下一次运行相同程序,python会根据pyc文件中的编译结果直接建立内存中PyCodeObject对象, 不再对源文件编译

#code.h/* Bytecode object 字节码对象 */typedef struct {    PyObject_HEAD    int co_argcount;        /* #arguments, except *args位置参数的个数 */    int co_nlocals;     /* #local variables 局部变量个数 */    int co_stacksize;       /* #entries needed for evaluation stack 执行code block需要的栈空间*/    int co_flags;       /* CO_..., see below */    PyObject *co_code;      /* instruction opcodes 字节码指令序列*/    PyObject *co_consts;    /* list (constants used) 所有常量*/    PyObject *co_names;     /* list of strings (names used) 所有符号*/    PyObject *co_varnames;  /* tuple of strings (local variable names) 局部变量名集合*/    PyObject *co_freevars;  /* tuple of strings (free variable names) 闭包需要的东西*/    PyObject *co_cellvars;      /* tuple of strings (cell variable names) 内部嵌套函数引用的局部变量名集合*/    /* The rest doesn't count for hash/cmp */    PyObject *co_filename;  /* string (where it was loaded from) .py的完整路径*/    PyObject *co_name;      /* string (name, for reference) 函数名或雷鸣*/    int co_firstlineno;     /* first source line number .py文件起始行*/    PyObject *co_lnotab;    /* string (encoding addr<->lineno mapping) See                   Objects/lnotab_notes.txt for details.字节码与.py源码行号对应关系 */    void *co_zombieframe;     /* for optimization only (see frameobject.c) */    PyObject *co_weakreflist;   /* to support weakrefs to code objects */} PyCodeObject;

代码中一个Code Block(对应一个名字空间)创建一个PyCodeObject对象(包含CodeBlock编译后的byte code)

名字空间: 符号的上下文(一个变量名对应的变量值是什么需要通过名字空间决定)

一般对于有import语句的程序, 例如import abc, 运行时会先到设定好的路径找abc.pyc或abc.dll, 如果没有会先将abc.py编译成响应的PyCodeObject对象, 然后创建abc.pyc并将中间结果写入文件, 接下来python才对abc.pyc进行import操作(PyCodeObject对象复制到内存)

1.2. pyc文件的生成

#import.c#define MAGIC (62211 | ((long)'\r'<<16) | ((long)'\n'<<24))static voidwrite_compiled_module(PyCodeObject *co, char *cpathname, struct stat *srcstat, time_t mtime){    FILE *fp;  #排他性的打开文件#ifdef MS_WINDOWS   /* since Windows uses different permissions  */    mode_t mode = srcstat->st_mode & ~S_IEXEC;    /* Issue #6074: We ensure user write access, so we can delete it later     * when the source file changes. (On POSIX, this only requires write     * access to the directory, on Windows, we need write access to the file     * as well)     */    mode |= _S_IWRITE;#else    mode_t mode = srcstat->st_mode & ~S_IXUSR & ~S_IXGRP & ~S_IXOTH;#endif    fp = open_exclusive(cpathname, mode);    if (fp == NULL) {        if (Py_VerboseFlag)            PySys_WriteStderr(                "# can't create %s\n", cpathname);        return;    }    #写入python的magic number(保证兼容性)    PyMarshal_WriteLongToFile(pyc_magic, fp, Py_MARSHAL_VERSION);    /* First write a 0 for mtime */    PyMarshal_WriteLongToFile(0L, fp, Py_MARSHAL_VERSION);    #写入PyCodeObject对象    PyMarshal_WriteObjectToFile((PyObject *)co, fp, Py_MARSHAL_VERSION);    if (fflush(fp) != 0 || ferror(fp)) {        if (Py_VerboseFlag)            PySys_WriteStderr("# can't write %s\n", cpathname);        /* Don't keep partial file */        fclose(fp);        (void) unlink(cpathname);        return;    }    /* Now write the true mtime (as a 32-bit field)写入时间 */    fseek(fp, 4L, 0);    assert(mtime <= 0xFFFFFFFF);    PyMarshal_WriteLongToFile((long)mtime, fp, Py_MARSHAL_VERSION);    fflush(fp);    fclose(fp);    if (Py_VerboseFlag)        PySys_WriteStderr("# wrote %s\n", cpathname);}#marshal.cvoidPyMarshal_WriteObjectToFile(PyObject *x, FILE *fp, int version){    WFILE wf;    wf.fp = fp;    wf.error = WFERR_OK;    wf.depth = 0;    wf.strings = (version > 0) ? PyDict_New() : NULL;    wf.version = version;    w_object(x, &wf); #借用这个完成PyCodeObject对象写入pyc文件的操作    Py_XDECREF(wf.strings);}

将PyCodeObject对象写入pyc文件会调用write_compiled_module函数, 这个函数又会调用PyMarshal_WriteLongToFile函数, PyMarshal_WriteLongToFile函数会调用w_object函数, w_object函数会对不同对象执行不同的写入文件操作(其中会写入对象类型), 其中*WFILE中strings在向pyc写入时会指向PyDictObject对象, 从pyc读出时调用PyMarshal_ReadLongToFile函数, strings会指向PyListObject


    普通字符串, 写入类型, 长度和字符串intern字符串写入先进行查找, 查找失败进行首次写入, 将(字符串, 序号)添加到strings中, 将类型和字符串本身写入pyc查找成功进行非首次写入,仅仅将类型和查到的序号写入pyc中


    读好TYPE_INTERN后, 字符串进行intern操作, 并将intern操作结果添加到strings指向的PyListObject中当读到TYPE_STRINGREF, 后根据跟随的序号(写入pyc使生成的)访问strings, 从来获得进行了intern操作的字符串对象

pyc中的PyCodeObject对象是以一种嵌套的关系联系在一起, 意味着pyc文件中的二进制数据有结构, 则可以进行可视化

2. Python虚拟机架构

python虚拟机模拟操作系统运行可执行文件的过程, 其中PyCodeObject没有包含程序执行环境

2.1. PyFrameObject

#frameobject.htypedef struct _frame {    PyObject_VAR_HEAD   #变长对象, 不同PyCodeObject, 栈空间大小不同    struct _frame *f_back;  /* previous frame, or NULL 执行环境链上的前一个frame*/    PyCodeObject *f_code;   /* code segment PyCodeObject对象*/    PyObject *f_builtins;   /* builtin symbol table (PyDictObject) buildin名字空间*/    PyObject *f_globals;    /* global symbol table (PyDictObject) global名字空间*/    PyObject *f_locals;     /* local symbol table (any mapping) local名字空间*/    PyObject **f_valuestack;    /* points after the last local 运行时栈的栈底位置*/    /* Next free slot in f_valuestack.  Frame creation sets to f_valuestack.       Frame evaluation usually NULLs it, but a frame that yields sets it       to the current stack top. */    PyObject **f_stacktop;  #运行时栈的栈底位置    PyObject *f_trace;      /* Trace function */    /* If an exception is raised in this frame, the next three are used to     * record the exception info (if any) originally in the thread state.  See     * comments before set_exc_info() -- it's not obvious.     * Invariant:  if _type is NULL, then so are _value and _traceback.     * Desired invariant:  all three are NULL, or all three are non-NULL.  That     * one isn't currently true, but "should be".     */    PyObject *f_exc_type, *f_exc_value, *f_exc_traceback;    PyThreadState *f_tstate;    int f_lasti;        /* Last instruction if called 上一条字节码指令在f_code中的偏移位置*/    /* Call PyFrame_GetLineNumber() instead of reading this field       directly.  As of 2.3 f_lineno is only valid when tracing is       active (i.e. when f_trace is set).  At other times we use       PyCode_Addr2Line to calculate the line from the current       bytecode index. */    int f_lineno;       /* Current line number 当前字节码对应的源代码行*/    int f_iblock;       /* index in f_blockstack */    PyTryBlock f_blockstack[CO_MAXBLOCKS]; /* for try and loop blocks */    PyObject *f_localsplus[1];  /* locals+stack, dynamically sized 动态内存,维护(局部变量+cell对象集合+free对象集合+运行时栈)所需要的空间*/} PyFrameObject;

程序运行, 会生成PyFrameObject执行环境(栈帧)链, f_back指向前一个对象

PyFrameObject *PyFrame_New(PyThreadState *tstate, PyCodeObject *code, PyObject *globals,            PyObject *locals){...extras = code->co_stacksize + code->co_nlocals + ncells +            nfrees; #四部分构成PyFrameObject动态内存区域...}

2.2. 名字/作用域和名字空间(重要)


    创建一个对象将对象赋给一个名字name(函数, 类定义和import等也赋值语句)

一个约束在程序正文的某个位置是否起作用, 是由约束在文本中的位置是否唯一决定的, 不动态决定的, 所以Python具有静态作用域(编译时就知道名字空间), 程序作用域在python运行转化为名字空间, python支持嵌套作用域.

Python最顶层作用域为builtin作用域一个源文件对应一个global作用域每个函数定义一个local作用域LGB查找规则, 现在local作用域查找->再到global作用域查找->最后到python自身定义的builtin作用域查找LE(enclosing直接外围作用域)GB(闭包)

a = 1def test():    print a #1    a = 2 #2    print atest()#会输出错误:UnboundLocalError: local variable 'a' referenced before assignment

原因在注释1和注释2同在一个作用域, 所以在按照LEGB规则, 在local名字空间可以找到名字a, 但是a的赋值发生在注释1之后, 所以出现错误. global关键字解决这种问题

2.3. Python虚拟机的运行框架


#ceval.cPyObject *PyEval_EvalFrameEx(PyFrameObject *f, int throwflag

Python进入PyEval_EvalFrameEx函数通过for循环取出字节码,查看对应的参数(如果有的话)结束字节码的执行最后why指示退出for循环时python执行引擎的状态2.4. Python运行时环境PyFrameObject对应可执行文件执行时的栈帧进程(PyInterpreterState, 线程的活动环境)和线程(PyThreadState对象是线程状态信息的抽象)其中线程同步通过全局解释锁(Global Interpreter Lock)实现

#pystate.ctypedef struct _is {    struct _is *next;    struct _ts *tstate_head;  #模拟进程环境中的线程集合    PyObject *modules;    PyObject *sysdict;    PyObject *builtins;    PyObject *modules_reloading;    PyObject *codec_search_path;    PyObject *codec_search_cache;    PyObject *codec_error_registry;#ifdef HAVE_DLOPEN    int dlopenflags;#endif#ifdef WITH_TSC    int tscdump;#endif} PyInterpreterState;typedef struct _ts {    /* See Python/ceval.c for comments explaining most fields */    struct _ts *next;    PyInterpreterState *interp;    struct _frame *frame;  #模拟线程中的函数调用堆栈, PyFrameObject对象    int recursion_depth;    /* 'tracing' keeps track of the execution depth when tracing/profiling.       This is to prevent the actual trace/profile code from being recorded in       the trace/profile. */    int tracing;    int use_tracing;    Py_tracefunc c_profilefunc;    Py_tracefunc c_tracefunc;    PyObject *c_profileobj;    PyObject *c_traceobj;    PyObject *curexc_type;    PyObject *curexc_value;    PyObject *curexc_traceback;    PyObject *exc_type;    PyObject *exc_value;    PyObject *exc_traceback;    PyObject *dict;  /* Stores per-thread state */    /* tick_counter is incremented whenever the check_interval ticker     * reaches zero. The purpose is to give a useful measure of the number     * of interpreted bytecode instructions in a given thread.  This     * extremely lightweight statistic collector may be of interest to     * profilers (like psyco.jit()), although nothing in the core uses it.     */    int tick_counter;    int gilstate_counter;    PyObject *async_exc; /* Asynchronous exception to raise */    long thread_id; /* Thread id where this tstate was created */    int trash_delete_nesting;    PyObject *trash_delete_later;    /* XXX signal handlers should also be here */} PyThreadState;

python虚拟机开始执行, 会先将PyThreadState对象中的frame设置为当前执行环境(PyFrameObject), 当简称新的PyFrameObject环境时, 线程状态对象取出旧的frame, 建立PyFrameObject链表(在PyFrame_NEW中完成 frameobject.c)

Python编译器完成编译后, 得到PyCodeObject对象,包含源文件的常量表(co_consts)和符号表(co_names), 然后形成PyFrameObject链, 在PyEval_EvalFrame函数中进行字节码指令执行, why维护python虚拟机中执行字节码执行的状态, WHY_NOT表示正常, WHY_EXCEPTION表示有异常抛出. 处理异常时, 创建traceback对象, 记录异常发生时活动栈帧的状态, 重新设置当前线程状态对象的活动帧, 完成栈帧回退动作, 最后python虚拟机流程一直返回到PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags函数(pythonrun.c), 然后会盗用PyErr_Print函数打印异常.(这样说整个过程不知道对不对, 还需要再读一遍书再来重新整理)

#traceback.htypedef struct _traceback {    PyObject_HEAD    struct _traceback *tb_next;  #链式结构    struct _frame *tb_frame;  #一个PyTracebackObject对应一个PyFrameObject对象    int tb_lasti;    int tb_lineno;} PyTracebackObject;#traceback.c, 创建一个traceback对象int PyTraceBack_Here(PyFrameObject *frame){    #获得线程的状态对象    PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_GET();    #保存线程状态对象中维护的traceback对象    PyTracebackObject *oldtb = (PyTracebackObject *) tstate->curexc_traceback;    #创建新的traceback对象    PyTracebackObject *tb = newtracebackobject(oldtb, frame);    if (tb == NULL)        return -1;    #将心的traceback对象交给线程状态对象    tstate->curexc_traceback = (PyObject *)tb;    Py_XDECREF(oldtb);    return 0;}#线程traceback对象链表static PyTracebackObject *newtracebackobject(PyTracebackObject *next, PyFrameObject *frame)

PyFrameObjectd是对栈帧的模拟, PyFrameObject连接成一条对象链时,就是对栈的模拟

3. Python虚拟机中的函数机制

3.1. PyFunctionObject对象


#funcobject.htypedef struct {    PyObject_HEAD    PyObject *func_code;    /* A code object 函数编译后的PyCodeObject对象*/    PyObject *func_globals; /* A dictionary (other mappings won't do) 函数运行时global名字空间*/    PyObject *func_defaults;    /* NULL or a tuple 默认参数*/    PyObject *func_closure; /* NULL or a tuple of cell objects 闭包的实现*/    PyObject *func_doc;     /* The __doc__ attribute, can be anything 函数文档*/    PyObject *func_name;    /* The __name__ attribute, a string object 函数名称*/    PyObject *func_dict;    /* The __dict__ attribute, a dict or NULL 函数的__dict__*/    PyObject *func_weakreflist; /* List of weak references */    PyObject *func_module;  /* The __module__ attribute, can be anything */    /* Invariant:     *     func_closure contains the bindings for func_code->co_freevars, so     *     PyTuple_Size(func_closure) == PyCode_GetNumFree(func_code)     *     (func_closure may be NULL if PyCode_GetNumFree(func_code) == 0).     */} PyFunctionObject;




    加载函数对应PyCodeObject到运行栈在执行MAKE_FUCNTION时,将对象弹出栈通过PyFunction_New创建新的PyFunctionObject对象,并传入源对象的global名称空间将新创建的对象压入运行栈执行到函数调用CALL_FUNCTION指令时, 获得栈顶指针然后执行call_function函数在fast_function函数中进入PyEval_EvalFrameEx,在新的frame栈帧(传入了PyFunctionObject对象中的字节码指令序列PyCodeObject和global名字空间)环境下执行函数中的语句

PyFunctionObject对象主要是对字节码指令和global名字空间进行打包和运输Function, CFunction和Method都会调用这个函数

#ceval.cstatic PyObject *call_function(PyObject ***pp_stack, int oparg#ifdef WITH_TSC                , uint64* pintr0, uint64* pintr1#endif                ){    #1. 处理函数参数信息    int na = oparg & 0xff;  #oparg记录了参数的个数, na是位置参数的个数    int nk = (oparg>>8) & 0xff;  #nk是键参数的个数    int n = na + 2 * nk;    #2. 获得PyFunctionObject对象    PyObject **pfunc = (*pp_stack) - n - 1;    PyObject *func = *pfunc;    PyObject *x, *w;    /* Always dispatch PyCFunction first, because these are       presumed to be the most frequent callable object.    */    if (PyCFunction_Check(func) && nk == 0) {        ...        #3. 调用PyFunctionObject对象        if (PyFunction_Check(func))             x = fast_function(func, pp_stack, n, na, nk);  #一般函数通道和快速通道(通过参数形式来确定是否进入快速通道)        else            x = do_call(func, pp_stack, na, nk);        READ_TIMESTAMP(*pintr1);        Py_DECREF(func);    }    /* Clear the stack of the function object.  Also removes       the arguments in case they weren't consumed already       (fast_function() and err_args() leave them on the stack).     */    while ((*pp_stack) > pfunc) {        w = EXT_POP(*pp_stack);        Py_DECREF(w);        PCALL(PCALL_POP);    }    return x;}

3.2. 参数的传递机制位置参数(positional argument): f(a, b)中的a, b键参数(key argument): f(a, b, name = ‘Python’)扩展位置参数: f(a, b, *args) 扩展键参数: f(a, b, **kwargs)


    LOAD字节码指令将参数压入运行时栈调用CALL_FUNCTION, 判断后调用fast_function拷贝函数参数,从运行时栈到PyFrameObject.f_localplus参数拷贝结束后, 进入新的PyEval_EvalFrameEx开始真正函数调用在访问函数参数时,直接通过索引访问f_localsplus中存储的符号对应的值对象对于带默认参数的函数处理有所不同, 会讲默认参数放入PyFunctionObject.func_defaults, 在fast_function中调用PyEval_EvalCodeEx(ceval.c)

3.3. 扩展位置参数和扩展键参数

*args*kwargs作为一个局部变量实现, 分别有PyTupleObject和PyDictObject实现

#ceval.cPyObject *PyEval_EvalCodeEx(PyCodeObject *co, PyObject *globals, PyObject *locals,           PyObject **args, int argcount, PyObject **kws, int kwcount,           PyObject **defs, int defcount, PyObject *closure) #位置参数, 键参数, 默认参{    register PyFrameObject *f;    register PyObject *retval = NULL;    register PyObject **fastlocals, **freevars;    PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_GET();    PyObject *x, *u;    if (globals == NULL) {        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError,                        "PyEval_EvalCodeEx: NULL globals");        return NULL;    }    assert(tstate != NULL);    assert(globals != NULL);    f = PyFrame_New(tstate, co, globals, locals);  #创建PyFrameObject对象    if (f == NULL)        return NULL;    fastlocals = f->f_localsplus;    freevars = f->f_localsplus + co->co_nlocals;    #1. 判断是否需要处理扩展位置参数或者扩展键参数    if (co->co_argcount > 0 ||        co->co_flags & (CO_VARARGS | CO_VARKEYWORDS)) {        ...        }        ...        #2. 设置位置参数的参数值        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {            x = args[i];            Py_INCREF(x);            SETLOCAL(i, x);        }        #3. 处理扩展位置参数        if (co->co_flags & CO_VARARGS) {            u = PyTuple_New(argcount - n); #4. 将PyTupleObject对象放入f_localsplus中            if (u == NULL)                goto fail;            SETLOCAL(co->co_argcount, u);            for (i = n; i < argcount; i++) { #5. 将扩展位置参数放入到PyTupleObject中                x = args[i];                Py_INCREF(x);                PyTuple_SET_ITEM(u, i-n, x);            }        }        for (i = 0; i < kwcount; i++) {            PyObject **co_varnames;            PyObject *keyword = kws[2*i];            PyObject *value = kws[2*i + 1];            int j;            if (keyword == NULL || !(PyString_Check(keyword)#ifdef Py_USING_UNICODE                                     || PyUnicode_Check(keyword)#endif                        )) {                PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,                    "%.200s() keywords must be strings",                    PyString_AsString(co->co_name));                goto fail;            }        ...}

当编译函数发现扩展位置参数后, 会在编译得到的PyCodeObject对象添加CO_VARARGS标识对键扩展位置参数, 添加CO_VARKEYWORDS标识, 对扩展X参数放入对应的对象中对象被放到frame中f_localsplus中对于键参数, python虚拟机会先判断是否是一般的键参数3.4. 嵌套函数/闭包与装饰器

名字空间是在运行时python虚拟机动态维护的, 但时候希望名字空间静态化. 一种方法是将名字空间与函数绑定(闭包)

闭包通过嵌套函数实现, PyCodeObject, PyFrameObject有关嵌套函数的属性

#PyCodeObjectco_cellvars  #通常为tuple, 保存嵌套的作用域中使用的变量名集合co_freevars  #通常为tuple, 保存使用了外层作用域中的变量名集合#PyFrameObjectf_localsplus #extras = code->co_stacksize + code->co_nlocals + ncells + nfrees; 运行时栈+局部变量+cell对象+free对象

闭包执行 :

    CALL_FUNCTION指令执行fast_funciton, 判断是否进入快速通道python虚拟机创建cell对象(PyCellObject), 将参数(包括cell)拷贝到新创建的PyFrameObject中的f_localsplus处理cell结束后, 虚拟机进入PyEval_EvalFrameEx,正式对外层函数调用在执行内部函数时, 虚拟机会将外层的参数对应关系放到PyFunctionObject中.
#cellobject.htypedef struct {    PyObject_HEAD    PyObject *ob_ref;   /* Content of the cell or NULL when empty */} PyCellObject;#cellobject.cPyObject *PyCell_New(PyObject *obj){    PyCellObject *op;    op = (PyCellObject *)PyObject_GC_New(PyCellObject, &PyCell_Type);    if (op == NULL)        return NULL;    op->ob_ref = obj;    Py_XINCREF(obj);    _PyObject_GC_TRACK(op);    return (PyObject *)op;}#funcobject.h#define PyFunction_GET_CLOSURE(func) \    (((PyFunctionObject *)func) -> func_closure)


4. Python虚拟机中的类机制

4.1. python中的对象模型


type对象:python内置对象的类型class对象:python程序员自定义的类型instance对象: 表示由class对象创建的实例

通过对象__class__属性或者python内置type方法可以探测is-instance-of关系(对象与实例), 使用对象的__base__属性可以探测is-kind-of关系

任何一个class类的type都是metaclass对象(<type, type>, 内部为PyType_Type)Python中只要一个对象对应的class实现了__call__操作,那么这个对象就是可调用对象(在运行期在PyObject_CallFuunctionObjArgs中确定)

python启动时,对类型系统进行初始化, 从PyType_Ready开始

#typeobject.cintPyType_Ready(PyTypeObject *type){    PyObject *dict, *bases;    PyTypeObject *base;    Py_ssize_t i, n;    if (type->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_READY) {        assert(type->tp_dict != NULL);        return 0;    }    assert((type->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_READYING) == 0);    type->tp_flags |= Py_TPFLAGS_READYING;#ifdef Py_TRACE_REFS    /* PyType_Ready is the closest thing we have to a choke point     * for type objects, so is the best place I can think of to try     * to get type objects into the doubly-linked list of all objects.     * Still, not all type objects go thru PyType_Ready.     */    _Py_AddToAllObjects((PyObject *)type, 0);#endif    /* Initialize tp_base (defaults to BaseObject unless that's us) 尝试获得type的tp_base中指定的基类 class对象都是直接或者间接以PyBaseObject_Type(object)为基类 */    base = type->tp_base;    if (base == NULL && type != &PyBaseObject_Type) {        base = type->tp_base = &PyBaseObject_Type;        Py_INCREF(base);    }    /* Now the only way base can still be NULL is if type is     * &PyBaseObject_Type.     */    /* Initialize the base class 如果基类没有初始化, 先初始化基类*/    if (base && base->tp_dict == NULL) {        if (PyType_Ready(base) < 0)            goto error;    }    /* Initialize ob_type if NULL.      This means extensions that want to be       compilable separately on Windows can call PyType_Ready() instead of       initializing the ob_type field of their type objects. */    /* The test for base != NULL is really unnecessary, since base is only       NULL when type is &PyBaseObject_Type, and we know its ob_type is       not NULL (it's initialized to &PyType_Type).      But coverity doesn't       know that. 设置基类信息*/    if (Py_TYPE(type) == NULL && base != NULL)        Py_TYPE(type) = Py_TYPE(base);    ...}

处理基类和type信息(type中的tp_base中指定基类)处理基类的列表(多重继承)填充tp_dict(将与类型相关的descriptor加入tp_dict中, 其中slot表示PyTypeObject中定义的操作.通过slotdef结构体实现, 在init_slotdefs对整个slotdefs进行排序(操作优先级)), 一个操作对应一个包装slot的PyObject, 称为descriptortp_dict建立从从操作名到descriptor的关联(slot)确定MRO(class对象属性解析顺序)基本mro列表从基类继承操作填充基本中的子类列表

#typeobject.ctypedef struct wrapperbase slotdef;#descrobject.cstruct wrapperbase {    char *name;  #操作对应的名字    int offset;  #操作函数在PyHeapTypeObject中的偏移量    void *function;  #slot function函数    wrapperfunc wrapper;    char *doc;    int flags;    PyObject *name_strobj;};#创建descriptor的函数PyObject *PyDescr_NewWrapper(PyTypeObject *type, struct wrapperbase *base, void *wrapped){    PyWrapperDescrObject *descr;    descr = (PyWrapperDescrObject *)descr_new(&PyWrapperDescr_Type,                                             type, base->name);    if (descr != NULL) {        descr->d_base = base;        descr->d_wrapped = wrapped;  #d_wrapped存放操作对应的函数指针    }    return (PyObject *)descr;}

4.2. 用户自定义class及instance对象创建一个class对象, class的动态元信息存放在local名字空间中获得class动态原信息/class名称/class基类列表, 虚拟机调用build_class创建class对象, 然后压入运行栈将创建class对象存入local名称空间创建实例时, 从local名称空间取出对象, 压入运行时栈调用class对象创建instance对象将instance对象存入loacal名字空间python虚拟机使用object_new调用object继承来的tp_alloc(PyType_GenericAlllc)申请内存回到typecsll进行初始化(tpinit指向slotdefs中指定与`__init对应的slot_tp_init`)

#typeobject.cstatic PyObject *type_call(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds){    PyObject *obj;    if (type->tp_new == NULL) {        PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,                     "cannot create '%.100s' instances",                     type->tp_name);        return NULL;    }    obj = type->tp_new(type, args, kwds);    if (obj != NULL) {        /* Ugly exception: when the call was type(something),           don't call tp_init on the result. */        if (type == &PyType_Type &&            PyTuple_Check(args) && PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) == 1 &&            (kwds == NULL ||             (PyDict_Check(kwds) && PyDict_Size(kwds) == 0)))            return obj;        /* If the returned object is not an instance of type,           it won't be initialized. */        if (!PyType_IsSubtype(obj->ob_type, type))            return obj;        type = obj->ob_type;        if (PyType_HasFeature(type, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS) &&            type->tp_init != NULL &&            type->tp_init(obj, args, kwds) < 0) {            Py_DECREF(obj);            obj = NULL;        }    }    return obj;}

4.3. 访问instance对象中属性



#object.cPyObject *PyObject_GetAttr(PyObject *v, PyObject *name){    PyTypeObject *tp = Py_TYPE(v);    if (!PyString_Check(name)) {#ifdef Py_USING_UNICODE        /* The Unicode to string conversion is done here because the           existing tp_getattro slots expect a string object as name           and we wouldn't want to break those. */        if (PyUnicode_Check(name)) {            name = _PyUnicode_AsDefaultEncodedString(name, NULL);            if (name == NULL)                return NULL;        }        else#endif        {            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,                         "attribute name must be string, not '%.200s'",                         Py_TYPE(name)->tp_name);            return NULL;        }    }    #1. 通过tp_getattro获得属性对应对象    if (tp->tp_getattro != NULL)        return (*tp->tp_getattro)(v, name);    #2. 通过tp_getattr获得属性对应对象    if (tp->tp_getattr != NULL)        return (*tp->tp_getattr)(v, PyString_AS_STRING(name));    #3. 属性不存在,抛出异常    PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError,                 "'%.50s' object has no attribute '%.400s'",                 tp->tp_name, PyString_AS_STRING(name));    return NULL;}

第二部分看完了, 但是字节码部分还是有很多不懂的地方, 这部分等以后有长进了在回来读一遍…


1. Python的编译结果

Code对象和pyc文件, Python执行原理虚拟机, 字节码

当输入命令python my_program.py时:


1.1. PyCodeObject对象

编译结果存在内存中的PyCodeObject对象中, python运行结束后, 编译结果又被保存到pyc文件中, 下一次运行相同程序,python会根据pyc文件中的编译结果直接建立内存中PyCodeObject对象, 不再对源文件编译



