Python 查询单词脚本


        #!/usr/bin/python    # coding:utf-8    # Copyright 2013--2015.    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 1    #    # Word_Searching Script    # Author: fish    # Email:    #    # usage1: 'python **.py word' to find the word's explination or    # usage2: 'python **.py word -detail' to list the phrase of the word    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup    import sys    import urllib2    # 判断用户输入的是英文还是中文    # decode 是将其他字符编码转换成unicode    # 中文的unicode字符区是 'u4e00' 到 '\u9fa5'    def is_Chinese(uchar):        uchar = uchar.decode('utf8')        return uchar >= u'\u4e00' and uchar <= u'\u9fa5'    # 格式输入错误的提示    def input_error():        print "usage1: 'python **.py word' or "        print "usage2: 'python **.py word -detail (For English Only)"    def main():        length = len(sys.argv)        # 读入命令行        if length < 2:            input_error()            sys.exit()        else:            word = sys.argv[1]        # url是有道翻译的对应网页        url = '' % word        # urlopen函数调用        # print url        data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()        # print data        # 将data网页源代码放到soup中,便于匹配        soup = BeautifulSoup(data)        # soup.find() 可以放入标签和class名称        word_div = soup.find('div', 'trans-container')        if not word_div:            print 'word does not exists'            sys.exit()        # word_div存了一个标签,每个单词意思,存在每个**中,格式化输出,不带''        if is_Chinese(word):            for word_explination in word_div.find_all('a', 'search-js'):                print word_explination.string        else:            for word_explination in word_div.find_all('li'):                print str(word_explination)[4: -5]        # 第二种输入,还得显示出单词组成的短语        # BeautifulSoup提供的find函数可以查找'p', 'a','span'等html标志语言模块        if length == 3:            if sys.argv[2] != '-detail':                input_error()            else:                raw_explination = ''                span = soup.find_all('p', 'wordGroup')                # 最后一组词组有问题,删去了                for element in span[: -1]:                    link = element.find('a')                    # 转化成字符串,用于定位到解释那里                    raw_explination += str(element)                    location = raw_explination.find('')                    # 格式化单词解释,长度为7, 长度为4, 只采用第一个意思                    explination = raw_explination[location + 7: -4].split()[0]                    # python 自带的输出对齐, ljust(num), rjust(num)                    print link.string.ljust(25), explination                    raw_explination = ''    if __name__ == '__main__':        main()


Python 查询单词脚本


