
Python Assert 为何不尽如人意?Python中的断言用起来非常简单,你可以在assert后面跟上任意判断条件,如果断言失败则会抛出异常。

>>> assert 1 + 1 == 2>>> assert isinstance('Hello', str)>>> assert isinstance('Hello', int)Traceback (most recent call last): File "<input>", line 1, in <module>AssertionError

其实assert看上去不错,然而用起来并不爽。就比如有人告诉你程序错了,但是不告诉哪里错了。很多时候这样的assert还不如不写,写了我就想骂娘。直接抛一个异常来得更痛快一些。改进方案 #1一个稍微改进一丢丢的方案就是把必要的信息也放到assert语句后面,比如这样。

>>> s = "nothin is impossible.">>> key = "nothing">>> assert key in s, "Key: '{}' is not in Target: '{}'".format(key, s)Traceback (most recent call last): File "<input>", line 1, in <module>AssertionError: Key: 'nothing' is not in Target: 'nothin is impossible.'

看上去还行吧,但是其实写的很蛋疼。假如你是一名测试汪,有成千上万的测试案例需要做断言做验证,相信你面对以上做法,心中一定有千万只那种马奔腾而过。改进方案 #2不管你是你是搞测试还是开发的,想必听过不少测试框架。你猜到我要说什么了吧?对,不用测试框架里的断言机制,你是不是洒。py.testpy.test 是一个轻量级的测试框架,所以它压根就没写自己的断言系统,但是它对Python自带的断言做了强化处理,如果断言失败,那么框架本身会尽可能多地提供断言失败的原因。那么也就意味着,用py.test实现测试,你一行代码都不用改。

import pytestdef test_case():  expected = "Hello"  actual = "hello"  assert expected == actualif __name__ == '__main__':  pytest.main()"""================================== FAILURES ===================================__________________________________ test_case __________________________________  def test_case():    expected = "Hello"    actual = "hello">    assert expected == actualE    assert 'Hello' == 'hello'E     - HelloE     ? ^E     + helloE     ? ^ AssertionError========================== 1 failed in 0.05 seconds ===========================""""




assert XXX


import unittestclass TestStringMethods(unittest.TestCase):  def test_upper(self):    self.assertEqual('foo'.upper(), 'FoO')if __name__ == '__main__':  unittest.main()  """FailureExpected :'FOO'Actual  :'FoO'Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 6, in test_upper  self.assertEqual('foo'.upper(), 'FoO')AssertionError: 'FOO' != 'FoO'"""


from ptest.decorator import *from ptest.assertion import *@TestClass()class TestCases:  @Test()  def test1(self):    actual = 'foo'    expected = 'bar'    assert_that(expected).is_equal_to(actual)"""Start to run following 1 tests:------------------------------...[demo.assertion_in_python.TestCases.test1@Test] Failed with following message:...AssertionError: Unexpectedly that the str <bar> is not equal to str <foo>."""

改进方案 #3不仅仅是你和我对Python中的断言表示不满足,所以大家都争相发明自己的assert包。在这里我强烈推荐assertpy 这个包,它异常强大而且好评如潮。

pip install assertpy


from assertpy import assert_thatdef test_something():  assert_that(1 + 2).is_equal_to(3)  assert_that('foobar')\    .is_length(6)\    .starts_with('foo')\    .ends_with('bar')  assert_that(['a', 'b', 'c'])\    .contains('a')\    .does_not_contain('x')

从它的主页文档上你会发现它支持了几乎你能想到的所有测试场景,包括但不限于以下列表。 Strings Numbers Lists Tuples Dicts Sets Booleans Dates Files Objects而且它的断言信息简洁明了,不多不少。

Expected <foo> to be of length <4>, but was <3>.Expected <foo> to be empty string, but was not.Expected <False>, but was not.Expected <foo> to contain only digits, but did not.Expected <123> to contain only alphabetic chars, but did not.Expected <foo> to contain only uppercase chars, but did not.Expected <FOO> to contain only lowercase chars, but did not.Expected <foo> to be equal to <bar>, but was not.Expected <foo> to be not equal to <foo>, but was.Expected <foo> to be case-insensitive equal to <BAR>, but was not.




