

一:使用C4droid 1:到google play搜索C4droid,然后下载安装,现在最新的版本是3.98,香港服务器租用,当然这么好的软件一定要收些费用的,目前的价格是¥18.61。安装好C4droid点图标运行,它会提示要下载gcc、sdl、QT的插件,按照提示到google play下载和安装。

2:c4driod自己的介绍文档,香港空间,是英文的,很简单也比较全面,懒得翻译了,自己看吧!C4droid is a C/C++ IDE + C/C++ compiler for Android with GNU Makefile, SDL and Qt support. C4droid supports devices with ARM processors only (not devices with Intel x86 or MIPS processor).You can create your own applications on Android phone, run them (even without Internet access: compiler is offline) and export executables (for terminal apps) or APK (for apps with GUI usage). This app uses TCC and uClibc (or GCC with Bionic libc with a plugin), so it has full support of ANSI C and ISO C99. C4droid can be used for educational purposes or to practice in C/C++ language.C4droid supports syntax highlighting, code completion and source code formatting, so it is a very handy tool for programming on the go.

To get C++ support you need:0) Enough internal memory OR root rights. C4droid doesn’t require root rights for devices with more than 50MB of free internal memory.1) Install GCC plugin (C4droid will ask you to install it).2) Select G++ compiler in C4droid preferences.3*) Use iostream, not iostream.h4*) Add “using namespace std;” to your program (before int main)

C4droid contains a Terminal Emulator with BusyBox, so you can use Makefiles without any changes, shell commands syntax is the same as on Linux PC.To compile Makefile projects, open any file in the same folder with Makefile and long-click “Compile” to configure current directory (C4droid will create .c4droid configuration file when you’ll press Ok). After configuring folder, you can press compile button and C4droid will build your project.Don’t forget to enter executable name and select compilation mode (and press ok also, else changes will be discarded)

C4droid supports SDL, NativeActivity and Qt for GUI now, install SDL plugin for C4droid to use it (only GCC/G++ compiler is supported, so you need GCC plugin).(SDL is detected with #include “SDL.h”, NativeActivity is detected with #include “android_native_app_glue.h”, Qt is detected with #include “QtGui”).There is an experimental support for Qt using necessitas, but note that it’s in alpha stage.Qt support limitations:1) Path to Ministro libraries is hardcoded (/data/data/org.kde.necessitas.ministro/files/qt/lib), so email me if it will change.2) If you’re compiling a single-file Qt app, you must add #include “yoursourcefilenamewithcpp.moc” to the end of file. If you’re using .pro file for compilation, you don’t need to do that.

Quick manual:If you have found a bug or app is not working, email me.

Long click actions: 长按某一按键会有第二功能Save button: save as.Open button: recent files.Run button: run with arguments.Compile button: configure current directory.Tab: close tab.

Result of compilation (binary or APK) can be exported using menu->export.If you have “Illegal instruction” error, using internal compiler (TCC), install GCC plugin, GCC supports softfloat (by default).

C4droid will check license via the Internet.

Report bugs at n0n3m4@gmail.com.

Some components of this app are licensed under (L)GPL, email me to get the source code.Android is a trademark of Google Inc.Qt is a registered trademark of Digia.

3:相信很多ChineseMan会使用网络上流传的破解版,不过那样做真的没有必要,因为本文第二部分就会介绍botbrew!也许有人会诡辩说botbrew写不了QT和SDL程序,那好,我建议你可以玩玩botbrew basil!






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