c primer plus(五版)编程练习-第七章编程练习


#include<stdio.h>#include<ctype.h>int main(void){    char ch;    int count1,count2,count3;    count1 = count2 = count3 = 0;  printf("Enter text to be analyzed(#to terminate):\n");    while((ch = getchar()) != '#'){        if ( ch == '\n'){            count1++;        } else if(isspace(ch)){            count2++;        } else if (!isspace(ch)){            count3++;        }    }    printf("换行数量%d,空格数量%d,其他字符数量%d",count1,count2,count3);    return 0;}

2.编写一个程序。该程序读取输入直到遇到#字符。使程序打印每个输入的字符以及它的十进制ASCII 码。每行打印8 个字符/编码对。建议:利用字符计数和模运算符(%)在每8 个循环周期时打印一个换行符。

#include<stdio.h>#define STOP '#'int main(void){    char ch;    int length = 1;    printf("Enter text to be analyzed(#to terminate):\n");    while((ch = getchar()) != STOP){        if(length%8==0){            printf("\n");        }        printf("%c/%d ",ch,ch);        length++;    }    return 0;}


#include<stdio.h>int main(void){    int num,even_num,odd_num;    double even_count,odd_count;//必需定义为double类型,否则打印平均值会出错    even_num = odd_num = 0;    even_count = odd_count = 0.0 ;    printf("Enter int to be analyzed(0 to terminate):\n");    while (scanf("%d", &num) == 1 && num != 0){            if (num%2 == 0){                even_num++;                even_count +=num;            } else {                odd_num++;                odd_count +=num;            }    }    if (even_count > 0)        printf("Even have %d, even average is %.2f\n",even_num,even_count / even_num);    if (odd_num > 0)        printf("Odd have %d,odd average is %.2f",odd_num,odd_count/odd_num);    return 0;}

4.利用if else 语句编写程序读取输入,直到#。用一个感叹号代替每个句号,将原有的每个感叹号用两个感叹号代替,最后报告进行了多少次替代。

#include<stdio.h>#define STOP '#'int main(void){    char ch;    int i;    i = 0;    while((ch = getchar()) != STOP){        if (ch == '.'){            putchar('!');            i++;        } else if (ch == '!'){            putchar(ch);            putchar(ch);            i++;        } else {            putchar(ch);        }    }    printf("\n");    printf("count %d",i);    return 0;}

5.用switch 重做练习3。

#include<stdio.h>int main(void){    int num,even_num,odd_num;    double even_count,odd_count;//必需定义为double类型,否则打印平均值会出错    even_num = odd_num = 0;    even_count = odd_count = 0.0 ;    printf("Enter int to be analyzed(0 to terminate):\n");    while (scanf("%d", &num) == 1 && num != 0){            switch (num%2){                case 0:                    even_num++;                    even_count +=num;                    break;                case 1:                    odd_num++;                    odd_count +=num;                    break;            }    }    if (even_count > 0)        printf("Even have %d, even average is %.2f\n",even_num,even_count / even_num);    if (odd_num > 0)        printf("Odd have %d,odd average is %.2f",odd_num,odd_count/odd_num);    return 0;}

6.编写一个程序读取输入,直到#,并报告序列ei 出现的次数。说明此程序必须要记住前一个字符和当前的字符。用诸如“Receive your eieio award.”的输入测试它。

#include<stdio.h>#define STOP '#'#define PREV_CHAR 'e'#define CURRENT_CHAR 'i'int main(void){    char ch, prev_char;    int i;    i = 0;    prev_char = 0;    printf("Enter text to be analyzed(#to terminate):\n");    while((ch = getchar()) != STOP){        if (ch == PREV_CHAR){            prev_char = ch;        }        if (ch == CURRENT_CHAR && prev_char == PREV_CHAR){            i++;        }    }    printf("Enter of 'ei' %d ",i);    return 0;}

7.编写程序,要求输入一周中的工作小时数,然后打印工资总额、税金以及净工资。作如下假设:a.基本工资等级=10.00 美元/小时b.加班(超过40 小时)=1.5 倍的时间c.税率前300 美元为15%下一个150 美元为20%余下的为25%。

用#define 定义常量,不必关心本例是否符合当前的税法。

#include<stdio.h>#define BASE 10.00#define TAX_LEVEL1 300#define TAX_LEVEL2 150#define TAX_LEVEL1_RATE 0.15#define TAX_LEVEL2_RATE 0.2#define TAX_LEVEL3_RATE 0.25#define BASE_HOUR 40#define OVER_RATE 1.5int main(void){    float num,wage,tax,real_wage,temp,real_hour;    wage = tax = real_wage = real_hour = 0.0;    printf("Please enter the number of hours you work a week:\n");    scanf("%f",&num);    if (num > BASE_HOUR){        real_hour = num + (num - BASE_HOUR)*OVER_RATE;    } else {        real_hour = num;    }    wage = real_hour*BASE;    temp = wage - TAX_LEVEL1;    if (temp <= 0){        tax += wage*TAX_LEVEL1_RATE;    } else {        tax +=TAX_LEVEL1*TAX_LEVEL1_RATE;        if (temp<= TAX_LEVEL2){            tax += temp*TAX_LEVEL2_RATE;        } else {            tax += TAX_LEVEL2*TAX_LEVEL2_RATE;            tax += (temp - TAX_LEVEL2) * TAX_LEVEL3_RATE;        }    }    real_wage = wage - tax;    printf("hour:%.2f wage:%.2f tax:%.2f real wage :%.2f",num,real_hour,wage,tax,real_wage);    return 0;}

8.修改练习7 中的假设a,使程序提供一个选择工资等级的菜单。用switch 选择工资等级。程序运行的开头应该像这样:*****************************************************************Enter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action:1)$8.75/hr 2)$9.33/hr3)$10.00/hr 4)$11.20/hr5)quit*****************************************************************

如果选择1 到4,那么程序应该请求输入工作小时数。程序应该一直循环运行,直到输入5。如果输入1 到5 以外的选项,那么程序应该提醒用户合适的选项是哪些,然后再循环。用#define 为各种工资等级和税率定义常量。

#include<stdio.h>#define LEVEL1 8.75#define LEVEL2 9.33#define LEVEL3 10.00#define LEVEL4 11.20#define TAX_LEVEL1 300#define TAX_LEVEL2 150#define TAX_LEVEL1_RATE 0.15#define TAX_LEVEL2_RATE 0.2#define TAX_LEVEL3_RATE 0.25#define BASE_HOUR 40#define OVER_RATE 1.5int main(void){    int level;    float fee,num,wage,tax,real_wage,temp,real_hour;    wage = tax = real_wage = real_hour = fee = 0.0;    printf("*****************************************************************\n");    printf("Enter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action:\n");    printf("1)$8.75/hr    2)$9.33/hr\n");    printf("3)$10.00/hr   4)$11.20/hr\n");    printf("5)quit\n");    printf("*****************************************************************\n");    while(scanf("%d",&level) == 1 && level != 5){      switch(level){        case 1:            fee = LEVEL1;            break;        case 2:            fee = LEVEL2;            break;        case 3:            fee = LEVEL3;            break;        case 4:            fee = LEVEL4;            break;        default:             printf("You should enter the number between 1 to  4 (5 to quit).\n");             printf("Please enter the right number: \n");             continue;        }        printf("Please enter the number of hours you work a week:\n");        scanf("%f",&num);        if (num > BASE_HOUR){            real_hour = num + (num - BASE_HOUR)*OVER_RATE;        } else {            real_hour = num;        }        wage = real_hour*fee;        temp = wage - TAX_LEVEL1;        if (temp <= 0){            tax += wage*TAX_LEVEL1_RATE;        } else {            tax +=TAX_LEVEL1*TAX_LEVEL1_RATE;            if (temp<= TAX_LEVEL2){                tax += temp*TAX_LEVEL2_RATE;            } else {                tax += TAX_LEVEL2*TAX_LEVEL2_RATE;                tax += (temp - TAX_LEVEL2) * TAX_LEVEL3_RATE;            }        }        real_wage = wage - tax;        printf("hour:%.2f wage:%.2f tax:%.2f real wage :%.2f\n",real_hour,wage,tax,real_wage);        printf("Please enter next number:\n");    }    printf("exit!");    return 0;}



#include<stdio.h>#include<stdbool.h>int main(void){    int num,i,k;    bool isPrime;    printf("Enter int number:\n");    scanf("%d",&num);    for(i=2;i<=num;i++){        for(k=2,isPrime = true;(k*k)<=i;k++){            if (i%k==0){                 isPrime = false;            }        }        if (isPrime){            printf("%lu ",i);        }    }    return 0;}

10.1988 年United States Federal Tax Schedule 是近期最基本的。它分为4 类,每类有两个等级。下面是其摘要;美元数为应征税的收入。

种类税金单身前17,850 美元按15%,超出部分按28%户主前23,900 美元按15%,超出部分按28%已婚,共有前29,750 美元按15%,超出部分按28%已婚,离异前14,875 美元按15%,超出部分按28%

例如,有20 000 美元应征税收入的单身雇佣劳动者应缴税金0.15×17 850 美元+0.28×(20 000美元–17 850 美元)。编写一个程序,让用户指定税金种类和应征税收入,然后计算税金。使用循环以便用户可以多次输入。

#include<stdio.h>#define TYPE1 1#define TYPE2 2#define TYPE3 3#define TYPE4 4#define TAX_RATE1 0.15#define TAX_RATE2 0.28#define TYPE1_BASE 17850#define TYPE2_BASE 23900#define TYPE3_BASE 29750#define TYPE4_BASE 14875int main(void){    double tax,income,base;    int type;    printf("请选择税金种类:\n");    printf("1)单身   2)户主  3)已婚,共有 4)已婚,离异 5)退出\n");    while(scanf("%d",&type) == 1 && type != 5){        switch(type){        case TYPE1:            base = TYPE1_BASE;            break;        case TYPE2:            base = TYPE2_BASE;            break;        case TYPE3:            base = TYPE3_BASE;            break;        case TYPE4:            base = TYPE4_BASE;            break;        default:            printf("请输入1到4之间的数字,或者输入5为退出\n");            continue;        }        printf("请输入您的应征税收入:\n");        scanf("%lf",&income);        if(income>base){            tax = base*TAX_RATE1+(income-base)*TAX_RATE2;        } else {            tax = income*TAX_RATE1;        }        printf("您共要缴纳%.2lf美元税金\n",tax);        printf("请输入您税金种类代码:\n");    }    printf("Exit.");    return 0;}


11.ABC Mail Order Grocery 朝鲜蓟的售价是1.25 美元/磅,甜菜的售价是0.65 美元/磅,胡萝卜的售价是0.89 美元/磅。在添加运输费用之前,他们为100 美元的订单提供5%的打折优惠。对5磅或以下的定单收取3.50 美元的运输和装卸费用;超过5 磅而不足20 磅的定单收取10.00 美元的运输和装卸费用;20 磅或以上的运输,在8 美元基础上每磅加收0.1 美元。编写程序,在循环中使用switch 语句,以便对输入a 的响应是让用户输入所需的朝鲜蓟磅数,b 为甜菜的磅数,c 为胡萝卜的磅数,而q 允许用户退出订购过程。然后程序计算总费用、折扣和运输费用(如果有运输费的话),以及总数。随后程序应该显示所有的购买信息:每磅的费用、订购的磅数、该订单每种蔬菜的费用、订单的总费用、折扣,如果有的话加上运输费用,以及所有费用的总数。

#include<stdio.h>#define ARTICHOKE 'a'#define BEET 'b'#define CARROT 'c'#define ARTICHOKE_PRICE 1.25#define BEET_PRICE 0.65#define CARROT_PRICE 0.89#define SHIP_FEE_LEVEL1 3.5#define SHIP_FEE_LEVEL2 10.00#define SHIP_FEE_LEVEL3 0.1#define SHIP_FEE_LEVEL3_BASE 8.0#define WEIGHT_LEVEL1 5#define WEIGHT_LEVEL2 20#define DISCOUNT 0.05#define DISCOUNT_BASE 100int main(void){    double fee_count,ship_fee,price,order_count,discount_count,    pound_count,pound,artichoke_pound,beet_pound,carrot_pound,artichoke_fee,beet_fee,carrot_fee;    char type;    pound_count = discount_count = fee_count = ship_fee = order_count = artichoke_pound = beet_pound = carrot_pound = 0.0;    artichoke_fee = beet_fee = carrot_fee = 0.0;    printf("请选择要订购的蔬菜:\n");    printf("a)朝鲜蓟   b)甜菜  c)胡萝卜 q)退出\n");    while(scanf("%c",&type) == 1 && type != 'q'){        if( type != ARTICHOKE && type != BEET && type != CARROT ){            printf("请选择输入a到c之间的字母,或者输入q退出:\n");            continue;        }        printf("您输入你要订购的磅数:");        scanf("%lf",&pound);        pound_count += pound;        switch(type){        case ARTICHOKE:            artichoke_pound = pound;            artichoke_fee = pound*ARTICHOKE_PRICE;            break;        case BEET:            beet_pound = pound;            beet_fee = pound*BEET_PRICE;            break;        case CARROT:            carrot_pound = pound;            carrot_fee = pound*CARROT_PRICE;            break;        }    }    if (pound_count <= WEIGHT_LEVEL1){        ship_fee = SHIP_FEE_LEVEL1;    } else if(pound_count > WEIGHT_LEVEL1 && pound_count < WEIGHT_LEVEL2){        ship_fee = SHIP_FEE_LEVEL2;    } else {        ship_fee = SHIP_FEE_LEVEL3_BASE+ (pound_count*0.1);    }    fee_count = ship_fee+artichoke_fee+beet_fee+carrot_fee;    if (fee_count>DISCOUNT_BASE){        discount_count = DISCOUNT_BASE*DISCOUNT;    }    order_count = fee_count-discount_count+ship_fee;    printf("你共订购了%.2f磅蔬菜,平均每磅%.2f美元 \n",pound_count,order_count/pound_count);    if (artichoke_fee>0){        printf("订购了朝鲜蓟%.2f磅 共%.2f美元\n",artichoke_pound,artichoke_fee);    }    if (beet_fee>0){        printf("订购了甜菜%.2f磅 共%.2f美元\n",beet_pound,beet_fee);    }    if (carrot_fee>0){        printf("订购了胡萝卜%.2f磅 共%.2f美元\n",carrot_pound,carrot_fee);    }    printf("共%.2f美元 折扣优惠%.2f \n",fee_count,discount_count);    if (ship_fee>0){        printf("运费共%.2f \n",ship_fee);    }    printf("订单金额%.2f\n",order_count);    return 0;}


c primer plus(五版)编程练习-第七章编程练习


