Conway’s Game of Life中看C++SSE2并行化计算

一、Conway’s Game of Life描述

康威生命游戏(英语:Conway’s Game of Life),又称康威生命棋,是英国数学家约翰·何顿·康威在1970年发明的细胞自动机。



当前细胞为存活状态时,当周围低于2个(不包含2个)存活细胞时, 该细胞变成死亡状态。(模拟生命数量稀少)当前细胞为存活状态时,当周围有2个或3个存活细胞时, 该细胞保持原样。当前细胞为存活状态时,当周围有3个以上的存活细胞时,该细胞变成死亡状态。(模拟生命数量过多)当前细胞为死亡状态时,当周围有3个存活细胞时,该细胞变成存活状态。 (模拟繁殖)

可以把最初的细胞结构定义为种子,当所有在种子中的细胞同时被以上规则处理后, 可以得到第一代细胞图。按规则继续处理当前的细胞图,可以得到下一代的细胞图,周而复始。随题给出了一个细胞图的不断演变过程,见Gospers_glider_gun.gif。

Gospers_glider_gun.gif二、实现思路准备先用java和C++各先实现一次串行的。因为java不支持SIMD所以并行版本只用C++实现。2.1基本实现思路输入数据格式输入数据格式如下所示:因为屏幕限制,不能显示全部,数据为50X100。以空格为间隔。数据结构及实现思路使用以为数组存储,在本例中采用一维数组存储。也可以采用二维数组实现,基本原理是一样的。遍历整个一维数组,对每个数组的周围的八个值进行判断并计算周围八个cell存活的个数count(即周围为1的值个数)。然后根据个数count以及自身是否存活(0 or 1),判断这次迭代中,本细胞该不该存活。依次类推,遍历50000次。输入输出的问题文件输入的话,读取出来的是字符,所以1变成了49,0变成了48。还要注意去除空格。输出数据的话,如果在程序内部把字符1(49)转成了数字1,那么输出的时候要想输出字符1,则要把数组里面的数字1转化成字符1(49)。(0亦然)具体细节请看博客:三、串行java实现


  1 import*;  2   3 /**  4  * Java class for simulation of Conway's Game of Life.  5  */  6   7 class Conway2D {  8     private final int width;  9     private final int height; 10     private final int size; 11     private byte[] data; 12  13     /** 14      * @param width 15      * @param height 16      */ 17     Conway2D(int width, int height) { 18         this.width = width; 19         this.height = height; 20         this.size = width * height; 21         data = new byte[size]; 22     } 23  24  25     /** 26      * 生命游戏迭代一次 27      */ 28     void iterate() { 29         byte[] prev = new byte[size]; 30         System.arraycopy(data, 0, prev, 0, size); 31         byte[] next = new byte[size]; 32         for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { 33             for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { 34                 if (isAlive(i, j, prev)) { 35                     next[j * width + i] = 49; 36                 } else { 37                     next[j * width + i] = 48; 38                 } 39             } 40         } 41         System.arraycopy(next, 0, data, 0, size); 42     } 43  44  45     /** 46      * 检查cell是否存活 47      * 48      * @param x The x position 49      * @param y The y position 50      * @param d The grid data. 51      * @return 52      */ 53  54     private boolean isAlive(int x, int y, byte[] d) { 55         int count = 0; 56         int pos1 = y * width + x; 57         //循环该cell的周围,累计周围活细胞个数 58         for (int i = x - 1; i <= x + 1; i++) { 59             for (int j = y - 1; j <= y + 1; j++) { 60                 int pos = j * width + i; 61                 if (pos >= 0 && pos < size - 1 && pos != pos1) //如果点在圈内 并且 不是自己 62                 { 63                     if (d[pos] == 49) { 64                         count++; 65                     } 66                 } 67             } 68         } 69         //如果该细胞死亡 70         if (d[pos1] == 48) { 71             return count == 3; 72         } else  {//如果该细胞活着 73             return !(count < 2 || count > 3); 74         } 75     } 76  77  78     /** 79      * 读取文件中的数据 80      * 注意byte的不同,空格和换行在byte中的表示不同 81      * 82      * @param file 83      */ 84     void readData(String file) throws IOException { 85         BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); 86         ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1); 87  88         byte[] temp = new byte[1]; 89         int size; 90         while ((size = != -1) { 91             if (temp[0] != 32 && temp[0] != 10) { 92                 out.write(temp, 0, size); 93             } 94         } 95         in.close(); 96         data = out.toByteArray(); 97     } 98      99 100     void writeToFile(String file) throws IOException {101         FileOutputStream fos =new FileOutputStream(file);102         BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));103         byte[] tmp = new byte[100];104         int size;105         while((size = != -1){106             fos.write(tmp);107             fos.write(new byte[]{10});108         }109     }110 }

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 1 import; 2  3 /** 4  * Created by anyuan on 2017/1/4. 5  */ 6 public class Main { 7     public static final int MAXTIMES = 50000; 8  9     public static void main(String[] args) {10         Conway2D conway2D = new Conway2D(100, 50);11         try {12             conway2D.readData("C:\\Users\\anyuan\\IdeaProjects\\操作系统实验\\LifeGame\\input_50x100");13             double start = System.currentTimeMillis();14             for (int i = 0; i < MAXTIMES; i++) {15                 conway2D.iterate();16             }17             double end = System.currentTimeMillis();18             System.out.println("运行时间:" + (end - start)/1000 + "秒");//应该是end - start19             conway2D.writeToFile("output_java串行");20         } catch (IOException e) {21             e.printStackTrace();22         }23     }24 }

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  1 #pragma once  2 #include <algorithm>  3 #include <fstream>  4 #include <iostream>  5 #include <string>  6 #define D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS  7   8 #define WIDTH 100  9 #define HEIGHT 50 10 #define MAXSIZE 50*100 11  12 class Conway2D 13 { 14     const int width; 15     const int height; 16     const int size; 17     int data[MAXSIZE]; 18  19  20 public: 21     Conway2D() : width(100), height(50), size(width * height) 22     { 23     } 24  25     Conway2D(int width, int height) 26         : width(width), 27           height(height), 28           size(width * height) 29     { 30     } 31  32     void iterate() 33     { 34         int prev[MAXSIZE]; 35         std::copy(data, data + size, prev); 36         int next[MAXSIZE]; 37         for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) 38         { 39             for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) 40             { 41                 if (isAlive(i, j, prev)) 42                 { 43                     next[j * width + i] = 49; 44                 } 45                 else 46                 { 47                     next[j * width + i] = 48; 48                 } 49             } 50         } 51         std::copy(next, next + size, data); 52     } 53  54     bool isAlive(int x, int y, int d[]) const 55     { 56         int count = 0; 57         int pos1 = y * width + x; 58         //循环该cell的周围,累计周围活细胞个数 59         for (int i = x - 1; i <= x + 1; i++) 60         { 61             for (int j = y - 1; j <= y + 1; j++) 62             { 63                 int pos = j * width + i; 64                 if (pos >= 0 && pos < size - 1 && pos != pos1) //如果点在圈内 并且 不是自己 65                     if (d[pos] == 49) 66                         ++count; 67             } 68         } 69         //如果该细胞死亡 70         if (d[pos1] == 48) 71         { 72             return count == 3; 73         } 74         //如果该细胞活着 75         return !(count < 2 || count > 3); 76     } 77  78     void readData(std::string file) 79     { 80         std::ifstream f1(file); 81         if (!f1) 82             std::cout << "文件打开失败" << std::endl; 83         char tmp[1]; 84         int count = 0; 85         while (count < MAXSIZE) 86         { 87   , 1); 88             if (tmp[0] == '1' || tmp[0] == '0') 89             { 90                 data[count] = static_cast<int>(tmp[0]); 91                 ++count; 92             } 93         } 94     } 95  96     void writeToFile(std::string file) 97     { 98         std::ofstream f1(file); 99         if (!f1)100             std::cout << "文件创建失败" << std::endl;101         char tmp[WIDTH];102         for (int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; ++i)103         {104             std::copy(data + i*WIDTH, data + (i + 1)*WIDTH, tmp);105             f1.write(tmp,WIDTH);106             f1.write("\n",1);107         }108     }109 };110 111 112  

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  1 #pragma once  2 #include <fstream>  3 #include <iostream>  4 #include <emmintrin.h>//sse2  5 #define D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS  6 #define WIDTH 100  7 #define HEIGHT 50  8 #define MAXSIZE 50*100  9  10 class Conway2D_simd_2 11 { 12     const __int16 width; 13     const __int16 height; 14     const __int16 size; 15     __int16 data_s[MAXSIZE + 2 * WIDTH + 2];//这样就可以考虑边界cell的四周的cell了 16     __int16* data = &data_s[WIDTH + 1];//从data_s的WIDTH+1开始,到MAXSIZE+WIDTH+1结束 17     //之后要使用的8个寄存器 18     __m128i _m128_1; 19     __m128i _m128_2; 20     __m128i _m128_r; 21     __m128i _m128_s; 22  23 public: 24  25     Conway2D_simd_2(__int16 width, __int16 height) 26         : width(width), 27           height(height), 28           size(width * height) 29     { 30         for (int i = 0; i < MAXSIZE + 2 * WIDTH + 2; ++i) 31         { 32             data_s[i] = 48; 33         } 34         //        data = &data_s[WIDTH + 1]; 35     } 36  37     void iterate() 38     { 39         __int16 prev[MAXSIZE]; 40         //        std::copy(data, data + size, prev); 41         __int16 pos_s = 0; 42         for (; pos_s < MAXSIZE; pos_s += 8) 43         { 44             _m128_1 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s - WIDTH - 1])); 45             _m128_2 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s - WIDTH])); 46             _m128_r = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_1, _m128_2); 47             _m128_1 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s - WIDTH + 1])); 48             _m128_2 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s - 1])); 49             _m128_s = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_1, _m128_2); 50             _m128_r = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_r, _m128_s); 51             _m128_1 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s + 1])); 52             _m128_2 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s + WIDTH - 1])); 53             _m128_s = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_1, _m128_2); 54             _m128_r = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_r, _m128_s); 55             _m128_1 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s + WIDTH])); 56             _m128_2 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s + WIDTH + 1])); 57             _m128_s = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_1, _m128_2); 58             _m128_r = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_r, _m128_s); 59             for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) 60             { 61                 //如果该细胞死亡 62                 if (data[pos_s+i] == 0) 63                 { 64 //                    if (_m128_r.m128i_i16[i] == 3) 65 //                    { 66 //                        _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = 1; 67 //                    } 68 //                    else 69 //                    { 70 //                        _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = 0; 71 //                    } 72                     _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = (_m128_r.m128i_i16[i] == 3); 73                 } 74                 else 75                 { 76                     //如果该细胞活着 77 //                    if(_m128_r.m128i_i16[i] == 2 || _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] == 3) 78 //                    { 79 //                        _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = 1; 80 //                    } 81 //                    else 82 //                    { 83 //                        _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = 0; 84 // 85 //                    } 86                     _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = (!(_m128_r.m128i_i16[i] < 2 || _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] > 3)); 87                 } 88             } 89             _mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(&prev[pos_s]), _m128_r); 90         } 91         std::copy(prev, prev + size, data); 92     } 93  94  95     void readData(std::string file) const 96     { 97         std::ifstream f1(file); 98         if (!f1) 99             std::cout << "文件打开失败" << std::endl;100         char tmp[1];101         __int16 count = 0;102         while (count < MAXSIZE)103         {104   , 1);105             if (tmp[0] == '1' || tmp[0] == '0')106             {107                 data[count] = static_cast<int>(tmp[0]);108                 ++count;109             }110         }111     }112 113     void writeToFile(std::string file) const114     {115         std::ofstream f1(file);116         if (!f1)117             std::cout << "文件创建失败" << std::endl;118         char tmp[WIDTH];119         for (__int16 i = 0; i < HEIGHT; ++i)120         {121             std::copy(data + i * WIDTH, data + (i + 1) * WIDTH, tmp);122             f1.write(tmp, WIDTH);123             f1.write("\n", 1);124         }125     }126 127     void dataFrom1to49()128     {129         for (int i = 0; i < MAXSIZE + 2 * WIDTH + 2; ++i)130         {131             if (data_s[i] == 1)132             {133                 data_s[i] = 49;134             }135             else136             {137                 data_s[i] = 48;138             }139         }140     }141 142     void dataFrom49to1()143     {144         for (int i = 0; i < MAXSIZE + 2 * WIDTH + 2; ++i)145         {146             if (data_s[i] == 49)147             {148                 data_s[i] = 1;149             }150             else151             {152                 data_s[i] = 0;153             }154         }155     }156 };

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 1 #include "Header.h" 2 #include <time.h> 3 //#include "Header_simd.h" 4 #include "Header_simd_2.h" 5 #define MAXTIMES 50000 6 void main() 7 { 8     //串行 9     Conway2D conway2_d = Conway2D(100, 50);10     conway2_d.readData("input_50x100");11     clock_t start_time = clock();12     for (int i = 0; i < MAXTIMES; ++i)13     {14         conway2_d.iterate();15     }16     clock_t end_time = clock();17     std::cout << "串行 Runing time is:" << static_cast<double>(end_time - start_time) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << std::endl;18     conway2_d.writeToFile("output_Cpp串行");19 20 //    //并行21 //    Conway2D_simd conway2_d_simd = Conway2D_simd(100, 50);22 //    conway2_d_simd.readData("input_50x100");23 //    clock_t start_time_simd = clock();24 //    for (int i = 0; i < MAXTIMES; ++i)25 //    {26 //        conway2_d_simd.iterate();27 //    }28 //    clock_t end_time_simd = clock();29 //    std::cout << "Runing time is:" << static_cast<double>(end_time_simd - start_time_simd) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << std::endl;30 //    conway2_d_simd.writeToFile("output_Cpp并行");31 32     //并行233     Conway2D_simd_2 conway2_d_simd_2 = Conway2D_simd_2(100, 50);34     conway2_d_simd_2.readData("input_50x100");35     conway2_d_simd_2.dataFrom49to1();36     clock_t start_time_simd_2 = clock();37     for (int i = 0; i < MAXTIMES; ++i)38     {39         conway2_d_simd_2.iterate();40     }41     clock_t end_time_simd_2 = clock();42     std::cout << "并行2 Runing time is:" << static_cast<double>(end_time_simd_2 - start_time_simd_2) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << "s" << std::endl;43     conway2_d_simd_2.dataFrom1to49();44     conway2_d_simd_2.writeToFile("output_Cpp并行_2");45     system("pause");46 }

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SIMD intrinsics有一些类似于C语言中的函数,可以被其它代码直接调用,可以像其它函数一样给它传递参数,Intel C++编译器支持SIMD intrinsics(VS2005/2010也支持,GCC也支持),并且可以针对函数进行内联等优化。需要包含的头文件:

#include   //MMX#include   //SSE (include mmintrin.h)#include   //SSE2 (include xmmintrin.h)#include   //SSE3 (include emmintrin.h)






SSE指令格式 SMD intrinsics函数采用一个非常标准的命名格式,大部分采取:_mm__的格式,函数名以_mm开头,然后表示函数要执行的SIMD指令,比如,add,sub,srli分别表示加法,减法,以为运算,最后是后缀,后缀的一部分给出了药进行运算的函数的数据范围,其中p表示封装操作,s表示变量操作,而ep表示扩展操作,接下来的部分表示要进行运算的数据类型,其中s表示单精度操作,d表示双精度操作,i表示整数操作,u表示无符号整数,数字表示整数的比特数。例如:__m128 _mm_set_ss (float w),__m128 _mm_add_ss (__m128 a, __m128 b)。SSE另外要注意的事项u代表不需要对齐,没有u的命令代表需要对齐。(对齐和连续概念是不一样的)。本例中使用的命令例如:_mm_loadu_si128,是不需要对齐的。如要要求数据对齐,则在分配内存的时候要特别声明。如:

#include <intrin.h> __declspec(align(16)) float op1[4] = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};  


typedef union __declspec(intrin_type) __declspec(align(16)) __m128i {    __int8              m128i_i8[16];    __int16             m128i_i16[8];    __int32             m128i_i32[4];    __int64             m128i_i64[2];    unsigned __int8     m128i_u8[16];    unsigned __int16    m128i_u16[8];    unsigned __int32    m128i_u32[4];    unsigned __int64    m128i_u64[2];} __m128i;



void iterate()    {        __int16 prev[MAXSIZE];        //        std::copy(data, data + size, prev);        __int16 pos_s = 0;        for (; pos_s < MAXSIZE; pos_s += 8)        {            _m128_1 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s - WIDTH - 1]));            _m128_2 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s - WIDTH]));            _m128_r = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_1, _m128_2);            _m128_1 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s - WIDTH + 1]));            _m128_2 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s - 1]));            _m128_s = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_1, _m128_2);            _m128_r = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_r, _m128_s);            _m128_1 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s + 1]));            _m128_2 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s + WIDTH - 1]));            _m128_s = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_1, _m128_2);            _m128_r = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_r, _m128_s);            _m128_1 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s + WIDTH]));            _m128_2 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i const*>(&data[pos_s + WIDTH + 1]));            _m128_s = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_1, _m128_2);            _m128_r = _mm_add_epi16(_m128_r, _m128_s);            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)            {                //如果该细胞死亡                if (data[pos_s+i] == 0)                {//                    if (_m128_r.m128i_i16[i] == 3)//                    {//                        _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = 1;//                    }//                    else//                    {//                        _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = 0;//                    }                    _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = (_m128_r.m128i_i16[i] == 3);                }                else                {                    //如果该细胞活着//                    if(_m128_r.m128i_i16[i] == 2 || _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] == 3)//                    {//                        _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = 1;//                    }//                    else//                    {//                        _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = 0;////                    }                    _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] = (!(_m128_r.m128i_i16[i] < 2 || _m128_r.m128i_i16[i] > 3));                }            }            _mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(&prev[pos_s]), _m128_r);        }        std::copy(prev, prev + size, data);    }


Conway’s Game of Life中看C++SSE2并行化计算


