开发技术:KETTLE JAVA API 开发实战记录

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// OK, if we’re still here: overwrite the current transformation…

return transMeta;


catch (Exception e)


throw new KettleException(“An unexpected error occurred creating the new transformation”, e);




* 1) create a new transformation

* 2) save the transformation as XML file

* 3) generate the SQL for the target table

* 4) Execute the transformation

* 5) drop the target table to make this program repeatable


* @param args


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception



// Init the logging…

LogWriter log = LogWriter.getInstance(“TransBuilder.log”, true, LogWriter.LOG_LEVEL_DETAILED);

// Load the Kettle steps & plugins

StepLoader stloader = StepLoader.getInstance();

if (!stloader.read())


log.logError(“TransBuilder”, “Error loading Kettle steps & plugins… stopping now!”);



// The parameters we want, optionally this can be

String fileName = “NewTrans.xml”;

String transformationName = “Test Transformation”;

String sourceDatabaseName = “source”;

String sourceTableName = “testuser.source_table”;

String sourceFields[] = {



String targetDatabaseName = “target”;

String targetTableName = “testuser.target_table”;

String targetFields[] = {





开发技术:KETTLE JAVA API 开发实战记录


