
  一、关联性容器(map vs TreeMap):




  public class MyTest { private static void testGet() { TreeMap<String,String> tm = new TreeMap<String,String>(); tm.put(“Hello”, “World”); if (tm.get(“Hello1”) == null) System.out.println(“Hello1 is NOT found.”); } public static void main(String[] args) { TreeMap<Integer,Integer> tm = new TreeMap<Integer,Integer>(); tm.put(5, 10); tm.put(5, 20); Set<Entry<Integer,Integer>> entries = tm.entrySet(); Iterator<Entry<Integer,Integer>> it = erator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<Integer,Integer> e = it.next(); System.out.printf(“key = %d, value = %d\n”,e.getKey().intValue(),e.getValue().intValue()); } } } //The count of the TreeMap is 1 //key = 5, value = 20


  using namespace std; int main() { map<int,int> m; m.insert(make_pair(5,10)); m.insert(make_pair(5,20)); printf(“The count of the map is %d.\n”,m.size()); map<int,int>::iterator it = m.begin(); for (; it != m.end(); ++it) { printf(“key = %d, value = %d\n”,(*it).first,(*it).second); } return 0; } //The count of the map is 1 //key = 5, value = 10


  using namespace std; int main() { map<int,int> m; m.insert(make_pair(5,10)); map<int,int>::iterator it = m.find(5); if (it != m.end()) m.erase(it); m.insert(make_pair(5,20)); //或实现为以下方式 //if (it != m.end()) // it->second = 20; //else // m.insert(make_pair(5,20)); printf(“The count of the map is %d.\n”,m.size()); it = m.begin(); for (; it != m.end(); ++it) printf(“key = %d, value = %d\n”,(*it).first,(*it).second); return 0; } //The count of the map is 1 //key = 5, value = 10


  public class MyTest { private int _value; public MyTest(int value) { _value = value; } public static void main(String[] args) { TreeMap<Integer,MyTest> tm = new TreeMap<Integer,MyTest>(); tm.put(5, new MyTest(10)); System.out.println(“The count of the TreeMap is ” + tm.size()); Set<Entry<Integer,MyTest>> entries = tm.entrySet(); Iterator<Entry<Integer,MyTest>> it = erator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Entry<Integer,MyTest> e = it.next(); System.out.printf(“key = %d, value = %d\n”,e.getKey().intValue(),e.getValue()._value); } } } //The count of the TreeMap is 1 //key = 5, value = 10


  using namespace std; class MyTest { public: MyTest(int value) { _value = value; } ~MyTest() {} public: int getValue() const { return _value; } private: int _value; }; int main() { map<int,MyTest*> m; m.insert(make_pair(5,new MyTest(10))); map<int,MyTest*>::iterator it = m.find(5); printf(“The count of the map is %d.\n”,m.size()); it = m.begin(); for (; it != m.end(); ++it) printf(“key = %d, value = %d\n”,(*it).first,(*it).second->getValue()); return 0; } //The count of the map is 1 //key = 5, value = 10

  在执行以上代码之后,如果借助于Valgrind(Linux gcc)或BoundChecker(Visual C++)等内存检测工具,便可以清楚的看到插入的MyTest对象指针在程序退出之前没有被正常释放,从而导致了内存泄露。见如下修订后的C++代码:

  //该宏是我在实际项目中经常用到的工具宏之一 #define RELEASE_MAP(Type1,Type2,variable) \ do {\ map<Type1,Type2*>::iterator it = (variable).begin();\ for (; it != (variable).end(); ++it) \ delete (it->second); \ (variable).clear(); \ } while(0) int main() { map<int,MyTest*> m; m.insert(make_pair(5,new MyTest(10))); map<int,MyTest*>::iterator it = m.find(5); printf(“The count of the map is %d.\n”,m.size()); it = m.begin(); for (; it != m.end(); ++it) printf(“key = %d, value = %d\n”,(*it).first,(*it).second->getValue()); RELEASE_MAP(int,MyTest,m); return 0; }





  public class MyTest implements Comparable<MyTest> { private int key; public MyTest(int key) { this.key = key; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof MyTest)) return false; MyTest t = (MyTest)o; System.out.println(“equals of MyTest is called here.”); return key == t.key; } @Override public int compareTo(MyTest o) { return key – o.key; } public static void main(String[] args) { TreeMap<MyTest,Integer> tm = new TreeMap<MyTest,Integer>(); tm.put(new MyTest(5), 5); tm.put(new MyTest(2), 2); tm.put(new MyTest(10), 10); tm.put(new MyTest(10), 20); for (Entry<MyTest,Integer> e : tm.entrySet()) System.out.println(“Key = ” + e.getKey().key + “, Value = ” + e.getValue()); } } //compareTo of MyTest is called here.   //compareTo of MyTest is called here.   //compareTo of MyTest is called here.   //compareTo of MyTest is called here.   //Key = 2, Value = 2   //Key = 5, Value = 5   //Key = 10, Value = 20



  public class MyTest { private int key; public MyTest(int key) { this.key = key; } public static void main(String[] args) { TreeMap<MyTest,Integer> tm = new TreeMap<MyTest,Integer>(new Comparator<MyTest>() { @Override public int compare(MyTest first,MyTest second) { System.out.println(“compare of Comparator is called here.”); return first.key – second.key; } }); tm.put(new MyTest(5), 5); tm.put(new MyTest(2), 2); tm.put(new MyTest(10), 10); for (Entry<MyTest,Integer> e : tm.entrySet()) System.out.println(“Key = ” + e.getKey().key + “, Value = ” + e.getValue()); } } //compare of Comparator is called here.   //compare of Comparator is called here.   //Key = 2, Value = 2   //Key = 5, Value = 5   //Key = 10, Value = 10



  template <class Key, class Type, class Traits = less<Key>, class Allocator=allocator<pair <const Key, Type> > > class map



  1 template<class _Ty>2 struct less : public binary_function<_Ty, _Ty, bool> {3 bool operator()(const _Ty& _Left, const _Ty& _Right) const {4 return (_Left < _Right);5 }6 };


  using namespace std; class MyTest { public: MyTest(int value) { _value = value; } ~MyTest() {} public: bool operator< (const MyTest& o) const { printf(“operator < of MyTest is called here.\n”); return _value – o._value < 0; } public: int getValue() const { return _value; } private: int _value; }; int main() { map<MyTest,int> m; MyTest t5(5); MyTest t2(2); MyTest t10(10); m.insert(make_pair(t5,5)); m.insert(make_pair(t2,2)); m.insert(make_pair(t10,10)); map<MyTest,int>::iterator it = m.begin(); printf(“The count of the map is %d.\n”,m.size()); for (; it != m.end(); ++it) printf(“key = %d, value = %d\n”,(*it).first.getValue(),(*it).second); return 0; } //operator < of MyTest is called here.   //operator < of MyTest is called here.   //operator < of MyTest is called here.   //operator < of MyTest is called here.   //operator < of MyTest is called here.   //The count of the map is 3   //key = 2, value = 2   //key = 5, value = 5   //key = 10, value = 10



  using namespace std; class MyTest { public: MyTest(int key) { _key = key; } ~MyTest() {} public: int _key; }; struct MyTestComparator { bool operator()(MyTest* first,MyTest* second) const { printf(“operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.\n”); return first->_key – second->_key < 0; } }; using namespace std; int main() { MyTest* mt0 = new MyTest(0); MyTest* mt2 = new MyTest(2); MyTest* mt1 = new MyTest(1); map<MyTest*,int,MyTestComparator> mtMap; mtMap.insert(make_pair(mt0,0)); mtMap.insert(make_pair(mt2,2)); mtMap.insert(make_pair(mt1,1)); printf(“The count of map is %d.\n”,mtMap.size()); map<MyTest*,int,MyTestComparator>::iterator it = mtMap.begin(); for (; it != mtMap.end(); ++it) { printf(“key = %d, value = %d\n”,(*it).first->_key,(*it).second); delete (*it).first; } return 0; } //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.   //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.   //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.   //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.   //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.   //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.   //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.   //operator() of MyTestComparator is called here.   //The count of the map is 3   //key = 0, value = 0   //key = 1, value = 1   //key = 2, value = 2






