Springboot 读取自定义pro文件注入static静态变量方式

Springboot 读取pro文件注入static静态变量




/* * @(#)MailConfig.java    Created on 2019年9月11日 * Copyright (c) 2019 ZDSoft Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. * $Id$ */package com.hxyc.config.properties; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;import org.springframework.context.annotation.PropertySource;import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * @author huangzy * @version $Revision: 1.0 $, $Date: 2019年9月11日 上午10:29:35 $ */@Configuration@PropertySource(value = "classpath:config/mailConfig.properties", encoding = "UTF-8")@Componentpublic class MailConfig {    public static String host;    public static Integer port;    public static String userName;    public static String passWord;    public static String emailForm;    public static String timeout;    public static String personal;    public static String html;    public static String subject;     /**     * @return Returns the host.     */    public static String getHost() {        return host;    }     /**     * @param host     *            The host to set.     */    @Value("${mail.host}")    public void setHost(String host) {        MailConfig.host = host;    }     /**     * @return Returns the port.     */    public static Integer getPort() {        return port;    }     /**     * @param port     *            The port to set.     */    @Value("${mail.port}")    public void setPort(Integer port) {        MailConfig.port = port;    }     /**     * @return Returns the userName.     */    public static String getUserName() {        return userName;    }     /**     * @param userName     *            The userName to set.     */    @Value("${mail.userName}")    public void setUserName(String userName) {        MailConfig.userName = userName;    }     /**     * @return Returns the passWord.     */    public static String getPassWord() {        return passWord;    }     /**     * @param passWord     *            The passWord to set.     */    @Value("${mail.passWord}")    public void setPassWord(String passWord) {        MailConfig.passWord = passWord;    }     /**     * @return Returns the emailForm.     */    public static String getEmailForm() {        return emailForm;    }     /**     * @param emailForm     *            The emailForm to set.     */    @Value("${mail.emailForm}")    public void setEmailForm(String emailForm) {        MailConfig.emailForm = emailForm;    }     /**     * @return Returns the timeout.     */    public static String getTimeout() {        return timeout;    }     /**     * @param timeout     *            The timeout to set.     */    @Value("${mail.timeout}")    public void setTimeout(String timeout) {        MailConfig.timeout = timeout;    }     /**     * @return Returns the personal.     */    public static String getPersonal() {        return personal;    }     /**     * @param personal     *            The personal to set.     */    @Value("${mail.personal}")    public void setPersonal(String personal) {        MailConfig.personal = personal;    }     /**     * @return Returns the html.     */    public static String getHtml() {        return html;    }     /**     * @param html     *            The html to set.     */    @Value("${mail.html}")    public void setHtml(String html) {        MailConfig.html = html;    }     /**     * @return Returns the subject.     */    public static String getSubject() {        return subject;    }     /**     * @param subject     *            The subject to set.     */    @Value("${mail.subject}")    public void setSubject(String subject) {        MailConfig.subject = subject;    } }



@Componentpublic class DSHWechatApiUtil extends DSHBaseController {    @Autowired    private IThirdPartyAuthDao thirdPartyAuthDao;    private static IThirdPartyAuthDao staticThirdPartyAuthDao;        @PostConstruct    public void init() {        staticThirdPartyAuthDao = thirdPartyAuthDao;    }    public static JSONObject getAuthorizerToken(String componentAccessToken, String authorizerAppid, String authorizerRefreshToken) {        JSONObject returnObject = new JSONObject();        try {            if (DSHUtils.isEmpty(componentAccessToken)) {                componentAccessToken = staticThirdPartyAuthDao.selectWechatValue(DSHConstants.WECHAT_PARAMS.COMPONENT_ACCESS_TOKEN);            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return returnObject;    }}










@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = ProjectConfig.PROJECT_PREFIX)public class ProjectConfig {    public static final String PROJECT_PREFIX = "project";    /**     * 系统版本号     */    private String version;    /**     * 项目名称     */    private String name;    /**     * 版权年份     */    private String copyrightYear;    /**     * 实例演示开关     */    private static boolean demoEnabled;    /**     * 获取地址ip开关     */    private static boolean addressEnabled;    public String getVersion() {        return version;    }    public void setVersion(String version) {        this.version = version;    }    public String getName() {        return name;    }    public void setName(String name) {        this.name = name;    }    public String getCopyrightYear() {        return copyrightYear;    }    public void setCopyrightYear(String copyrightYear) {        this.copyrightYear = copyrightYear;    }    public boolean isDemoEnabled() {        return demoEnabled;    }    public void setDemoEnabled(boolean demoEnabled) {        ProjectConfig.demoEnabled = demoEnabled;    }    public static boolean isAddressEnabled() {        return addressEnabled;    }    public void setAddressEnabled(boolean addressEnabled) {        ProjectConfig.addressEnabled = addressEnabled;    }}




Springboot 读取自定义pro文件注入static静态变量方式


