Ruby 2.2.0-preview2 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 2.2.0-preview2.

Ruby 2.2.0-preview2 is the second preview of Ruby 2.2.0.Many new features and improvements are included for the increasinglydiverse and expanding demands for Ruby.

For example, Symbol GC makes Symbols garbage collectable.This reduces memory usage of Symbols; because GC couldn’t collect Symbols beforeRuby 2.2. Since Rails 5.0 will require Symbol GC, it will support only Ruby 2.2or later. (See Rails’ blog post for details.)

Also, new Incremental GC decreases pause time of garbage collection, which is also helpful for running Rails applications.

Another feature related to memory management is adding an option for to use jemallocFeature #9113.This is an experimental feature, and is disabled by default.We need to gather use cases and performance data.When we get convinced of the benefits, the feature will be enabled by default.

One more topic is using vfork(2) in system() and spawn() (Japanese).It is expected that it brings a huge speed-up when a large process executes external commands many times.But vfork(2) is a risky system call.We want to know how much benefit it brings through gathering use cases and performance data.

Try and enjoy programming with Ruby 2.2.0-preview2, and report us your knowledge!

Notable Changes since 2.1 Incremental GC (YARV Maniacs No.12) Symbol GC (presentation at RubyKaigi 2014) configure –with-jemalloc Feature #9113 core libraries: Support Unicode 7.0 #9092 New methods: Enumerable#slice_after #9071, Enumerable#slice_when #9826 Float#next_float, Float#prev_float #9834 File.birthtime, File#birthtime #9647 String#unicode_normalize #10084 bundled libraries: Update Psych 2.0.6 Update Rake 10.4.0 Update RDoc 4.2.0.alpha (21b241a) Update RubyGems 2.4.4+ (2f6e42e) rubygems 2.4.4+ (2f6e42e) Update test-unit 3.0.7 (removed from repository but bundledin tarball) Update minitest 5.4.3 (removed from repository but bundled in tarball) Deprecate mathn C API Remove deprecated APIs

See NEWS in Ruby repository (WIP) for details.

With those changes, 1239 files changed, 98343 insertions(+), 61858 deletions(-).

Download SIZE: 12505279 bytes MD5: d7abace25a8ffe861cb2807bef1c58a6 SHA256: 9e49583f3fad3888fefc85b719fdb210a88ef54d80f9eac439b7ca4232fa7f0b SHA512: c654d4c047f9463a5fb81eaea0fa5ab7bf316962bc7fb0fb356861e6336ce8ce2162c7779d8b27f72d7bc0e9604b5e5af2910abcb0b0a1f197b3138eaddfd4a5 SIZE: 15505521 bytes MD5: bde388d6f10012a92d5dc36196fd6755 SHA256: dfcef7b01bd3acb41da6689993ac8dd30e2ecd4fd14bc1a833f46188a9fe2614 SHA512: e2d316a679c15c021e40b0f9b7810b319c6a5e771a9b869fda35b6745aecac881bbb05d62192893799816a8673e05c8f17713f10ccdec077f546483608ab85c1 SIZE: 9649216 bytes MD5: 0d582e28b92ce9d1456e40fb8d821422 SHA256: d14d1fa045263fa242a515d7b9e8c485bf8a9ee9d9d3012dc2b6add0f3a370c6 SHA512: 4a8a75ab21b2bd43db4a22d9c63f189f3c7805d575d662b07a4ddc25aa5b156b0c23053d8c48eecf23d5e22f1ea7131467f1cdc48f9ae0a83214b4cd46b08491 SIZE: 17239396 bytes MD5: d94160c214016863932c25cc1ac6ff90 SHA256: 88d6c73ee1a4f5fe1f8ad37fe1f56c1ca50622f1338c20b9d46bbb5c2cd94040 SHA512: 0a021d31f54c47c5c3901ef6f2ab02a1bfb5cc698f971978c1e16b1aeda78fdadec0c1cdd48af1c8784b8f72ad00d35cf2433d78e20d4447fa0630e02b4e3917 Release Comment 2.2.0 Known issues

See also the release schedule and other information:


Posted by naruse on 28 Nov 2014

Ruby 2.2.0-preview2 Released


