


ü 对于一些复杂的且带有前缀的格式,它无能为力。比如说,” – 345 FABC KK WW”转化为十进制数的应用,等

ü 对于一些大数,它超过Long(32位)的取值范围,它将无法进行准确的转化。

ü 把所有的运算堆积于一个函数,日后难以维护。

ü 过多的字符串拷贝操作,效率较低。

ü 无法动态的改变格式转化的值域,比如现有代码能够通过改变WYQ_FORMAT_BITS的值来进行一定的调整。




‘-Add WYQConvert() and WYQXor() functions


‘-Check the parameter of WYQConvert() to robust it. If dstBase is not checked, the deadloop maybe

‘ is occur when its value smaller than 2.


‘-Add WYQGetValue() and WYQGetString() to simplfy the source code


‘-Add WYQGetPrefixLength(), WYQGetPrefixSpaces() and WYQGetSignLength() to parse the complicated format

Option Explicit


‘ Public Const Values ‘


Public Const WYQ_FORMAT_BITS As Long = 32


Public Const WYQ_FORMAT_STR As String = "" & (2 ^ (WYQ_FORMAT_BITS – 1))

Public Const WYQ_FORMAT_VAL_MAX As Double = (2 ^ WYQ_FORMAT_BITS)


‘ Public External Functions ‘


Public Function WYQConvert(ByRef srcData As String, ByVal srcBase As Integer, ByVal dstBase As Integer) As String

Dim prefixLen As Integer

Dim signLen As Integer

Dim positive As Integer

Dim length As Integer

Dim value As Double

Dim rs As String

‘Check whether the base of destination is valid

If srcBase < 2 Or dstBase < 2 Then

WYQConvert = Null

Exit Function

End If

‘Check whether the formats are same between source and destination

‘If srcBase = dstBase Then

‘ WYQConvert = srcData

‘ Exit Function

‘End If

‘Acquire the length of string

length = Len(srcData)

‘Acquire the lenght of prefix character

prefixLen = WYQGetPrefixLength(srcData, 0, length, srcBase)

‘MsgBox "Prefix length = " & prefixLen

‘Check the returning value

If prefixLen < 0 Then

WYQConvert = Null

Exit Function

End If

‘Acquire the length of sign

signLen = WYQGetSignLength(srcData, prefixLen, length, srcBase, positive)

‘MsgBox "Sign length = " & signLen

‘Check the returning value

If signLen < 0 Then

WYQConvert = Null

Exit Function

End If

‘Convert String to Long in the light of decimal system

value = WYQGetValue(srcData, prefixLen + signLen, length, srcBase)

‘MsgBox "Value = " & value

‘Check whether value is negative and acquire the complement value

If positive = 0 Then

If srcBase = 10 Or dstBase = 10 Then

If srcBase <> dstBase Then

‘Acquire the complement value

value = WYQ_FORMAT_VAL_MAX – value

End If

End If

End If

‘Convert Long to String in the light of requesting base

rs = WYQGetString(value, dstBase)

‘Add negative symbol when it is decimal

If positive = 0 And dstBase = 10 And rs <> "0" Then

rs = "-" & rs

End If

‘MsgBox "Result = " & rs

WYQConvert = rs

End Function


‘ Private Internal Functions ‘


Private Function WYQGetValue(ByRef strData As String, ByVal offset As Integer, ByVal length As Integer, ByVal base As Integer) As Double

Dim idx As Integer

Dim size As Integer

Dim mask As Integer

Dim tmp As Integer

Dim value As Double

Dim s As String

‘Assign the default value for mask

mask = -1

‘Tailor the proper length in the light of base

Select Case base

Case Is = 10

size = Len(WYQ_FORMAT_STR)

Case Else

Dim power As Integer

Dim units As Integer

Dim chars As Integer

power = Fix(Log(base) / Log(2))

units = (WYQ_FORMAT_BITS + power – 1) / power

chars = length – offset

If chars > units Then

chars = 0

‘Calculate the real characters except for blank space

For idx = (offset + 1) To length

s = Mid(strData, idx, 1)

If s <> " " Then

chars = chars + 1

End If

If chars = units Then

‘Characters are enough

Exit For

End If


‘Decrease the length in the light of idx

length = idx

End If

‘Check whether chars are enough

If chars = units Then

Dim bits As Integer

bits = WYQ_FORMAT_BITS Mod power

If bits > 0 Then

mask = (2 ^ bits)

End If

End If

size = units

End Select

value = 0

For idx = (offset + 1) To length

s = Mid(strData, idx, 1)

Select Case s

Case "0" To "9"

tmp = CInt(s)

Case Is = "A"

tmp = 10

Case Is = "a"

tmp = 10

Case Is = "B"

tmp = 11

Case Is = "b"

tmp = 11

Case Is = "C"

tmp = 12

Case Is = "c"

tmp = 12

Case Is = "D"

tmp = 13

Case Is = "d"

tmp = 13

Case Is = "E"

tmp = 14

Case Is = "e"

tmp = 14

Case Is = "F"

tmp = 15

Case Is = "f"

tmp = 15

Case Is = " "

‘Ignore the blank space

tmp = -1

Case Else

tmp = base

End Select

If tmp >= base Then

Exit For

End If

If tmp >= 0 Then

If size < 1 Then

Exit For

End If

size = size – 1

‘Keep the partial bits for the first value

If mask >= 0 Then

tmp = tmp Mod mask

mask = -1

End If

value = value * base + tmp

End If


WYQGetValue = value

End Function

Private Function WYQGetString(ByVal doubleValue As Double, ByVal base As Integer) As String

Dim remain As Double

Dim multi As Double

Dim s As String

Dim rs As String

rs = ""

doubleValue = Fix(doubleValue)

While doubleValue > 0

multi = Fix(doubleValue / base)

remain = doubleValue – multi * base

doubleValue = multi

Select Case remain

Case 0 To 9

s = "" & remain ‘Trim(str(remain))

Case Is = 10

s = "A"

Case Is = 11

s = "B"

Case Is = 12

s = "C"

Case Is = 13

s = "D"

Case Is = 14

s = "E"

Case Is = 15

s = "F"

End Select

rs = s & rs


‘Check whether value equals zero to assign the proper value

If rs = "" Then

rs = "0"

End If

WYQGetString = rs

End Function

Private Function WYQGetPrefixLength(ByRef strData As String, ByVal offset As Integer, ByVal length As Integer, ByVal base As Integer) As Integer

Dim prefix As String

Dim idx As Integer

Dim prefixLen As Integer

‘Calculate the number of prefix blank spaces

prefixLen = WYQGetPrefixSpaces(strData, offset, length)

‘Check whether there are no characters in the string

If prefixLen = length Then

WYQGetPrefixLength = prefixLen

Exit Function

End If

‘Acquire first non blank space

prefix = UCase(Mid(strData, offset + prefixLen + 1, 1))

‘MsgBox "Prefix = " & prefix

‘Eliminate the prefix if it exists

Select Case base

Case Is = 16

‘Eliminate the prefix, such as 0x, x, 0X, X, h, H, &h, &H

If prefix = "X" Or prefix = "H" Then

prefixLen = prefixLen + 1

ElseIf prefix = "0" Or prefix = "&" Then

prefix = UCase(Mid(strData, offset + prefixLen + 1, 2))

Select Case prefix

Case Is = "0X"

prefixLen = prefixLen + 2

Case Is = "&H"

prefixLen = prefixLen + 2

Case "00" To "0F"

Case Else

prefixLen = -1

End Select


‘Here, code can check whether character is valid

End If

Case Is = 10

‘Eliminate the prefix, such as d, D, &d, &D

If prefix = "D" Then

prefixLen = prefixLen + 1

ElseIf prefix = "&" Then

prefix = UCase(Mid(strData, offset + prefixLen + 1, 2))

If prefix = "&D" Then

prefixLen = prefixLen + 2


prefixLen = -1

End If


‘Here, code can check whether character is valid

End If

Case Is = 8

‘Eliminate the prefix, such as o, O, &o, &O

If prefix = "O" Then

prefixLen = prefixLen + 1

ElseIf prefix = "&" Then

prefix = UCase(Mid(strData, offset + prefixLen + 1, 2))

If prefix = "&O" Then

prefixLen = prefixLen + 2


prefixLen = -1

End If


‘Here, code can check whether character is valid

End If

Case Is = 2

‘Eliminate the prefix, such as b, B, &b, &B

If prefix = "B" Then

prefixLen = prefixLen + 1

ElseIf prefix = "&" Then

prefix = UCase(Mid(strData, offset + prefixLen + 1, 2))

If prefix = "&B" Then

prefixLen = prefixLen + 2


prefixLen = -1

End If


‘Here, code can check whether character is valid

End If

Case Else

‘There are not any prefix characters

End Select

If prefixLen >= 0 Then

‘Eliminate the spaces after prefix characters

prefixLen = prefixLen + WYQGetPrefixSpaces(strData, offset + prefixLen, length)

‘Check whether there are no characters in the string

If prefixLen = length Then

prefixLen = -1

End If

End If

WYQGetPrefixLength = prefixLen

End Function

Private Function WYQGetPrefixSpaces(ByRef strData As String, ByVal offset As Integer, ByVal length As Integer) As Integer

Dim size As Integer

size = 0

For offset = (offset + 1) To length

If Mid(strData, offset, 1) <> " " Then

Exit For

End If

size = size + 1


WYQGetPrefixSpaces = size

End Function

Private Function WYQGetSignLength(ByRef strData As String, ByVal offset As Integer, ByVal length As Integer, ByVal base As Integer, ByRef positive As Integer) As Integer

Dim size As Integer

Dim value As Integer

Dim s As String

‘Assign the default sign

positive = 1

‘Acquire the number of prefix blank spaces

size = WYQGetPrefixSpaces(strData, offset, length)

‘Check whether offset is out of range

If (offset + size) >= length Then

WYQGetSignLength = -1

Exit Function

End If

‘Acquire the next character

s = UCase(Mid(strData, (offset + size + 1), 1))

‘MsgBox "s = " & s

‘Check whether format is decimal

Select Case base

Case Is = 10

If s = "+" Then

size = size + 1

ElseIf s = "-" Then

positive = 0

size = size + 1


‘Here, code can check whether character is valid

End If

‘Eliminate the blank space after "+" or "-"

size = size + WYQGetPrefixSpaces(strData, (offset + size), length)

Case Else

‘Acquire the value of character

Select Case s

Case "0" To "9"

value = CInt(s)

Case Is = "A"

value = 10

Case Is = "B"

value = 11

Case Is = "C"

value = 12

Case Is = "D"

value = 13

Case Is = "E"

value = 14

Case Is = "F"

value = 15

Case Else

value = base

End Select

‘Check whether the value is out of range

If value >= base Then

‘There are invalid character in the string

size = -1


Dim power As Integer

Dim units As Integer

Dim chars As Integer

power = Fix(Log(base) / Log(2))

units = (WYQ_FORMAT_BITS + power – 1) / power

chars = length – offset – size

If chars > units Then

Dim idx As Integer

chars = 0

‘Calculate the real characters except for blank space

For idx = (offset + size + 1) To length

s = Mid(strData, idx, 1)

If s <> " " Then

chars = chars + 1

End If

If chars = units Then

‘Characters are enough

Exit For

End If


‘Decrease the length in the light of idx

length = idx

End If

‘Check whether chars are enough

If chars = units Then

Dim bits As Integer

Dim threshold As Integer

bits = WYQ_FORMAT_BITS Mod power

If bits = 0 Then

threshold = (2 ^ (power – 1))

value = value Mod base


threshold = (2 ^ (bits – 1))

value = value Mod (2 ^ bits)

End If

If value >= threshold Then

positive = 0

End If

End If

End If

End Select

‘MsgBox "Positive = " & positive & ", value = " & value & ", threshold = " & threshold

WYQGetSignLength = size

End Function





