

.Net框架集是使用任何.Net语言编程序的巨大优势之一。相比之下,VBA具有非常少的内置功能。可能你们当中的人和我一样仍然在探寻它的功能,所以我会把我认为.Net中有用的东西介绍到我的博客(Mod the Machine)中来。


‘ 返回的输入文件名的路径。Public Function FilePath(ByVal fullFilename As String) As String ‘ Extract the path by getting everything up to and ‘ including the last backslash “/”. FilePath = Left$(fullFilename, InStrRev(fullFilename, “/”) – 1) End Function ‘ 返回文件的名称,没有路径。Public Function Filename(ByVal fullFilename As String) As String ‘ Extract the filename by getting everything to ‘ the right of the last backslash. Filename = Right$(fullFilename, Len(fullFilename) – _ InStrRev(fullFilename, “/”)) End Function ‘ 返回输入文件名的基本名称,’ 无路径或扩展名。 Public Function BaseFilename(ByVal fullFilename As String) As String ‘ Extract the filename by getting everttgubg to ‘ the right of the last backslash. Dim temp As String temp = Right$(fullFilename, Len(fullFilename) – _ InStrRev(fullFilename, “/”)) ‘ Get the base filename by getting everything to ‘ the left of the last period “.”. BaseFilename = Left$(temp, InStrRev(temp, “.”) – 1) End Function ‘ 返回的输入文件扩展名。 Public Function FileExtension(ByVal fullFilename As String) As String ‘ Extract the filename by getting everthing to ‘ the right of the last backslash. Dim temp As String temp = Right$(fullFilename, Len(fullFilename) – _ InStrRev(fullFilename, “/”)) ‘ Get the base filename by getting everything to ‘ the right of the last period “.”. FileExtension = Right$(temp, Len(temp) – InStrRev(temp, “.”) + 1) End Function ‘ 测试文件名的函数。 Public Sub TestFileFunctionsVBA() Dim fullFilename As String fullFilename = “C:/Samples/Models/Parts/OilPan/OilPan.ipt” Debug.Print FilePath(fullFilename) Debug.Print Filename(fullFilename) Debug.Print BaseFilename(fullFilename) Debug.Print FileExtension(fullFilename) End Sub


C:/Samples/Models/Parts/OilPan OilPan.ipt OilPan .ipt

使用VB.Net将容易得多。.Net框架集支持的IO类具有与文件与文件路径相关功能。IO类提供访问路径的类。如下代码是用VB.Net的功能来做上面的VBA代码所做的相同的事情,但它使用.NET框架集的功能,而不是自定义函数。您将需要导入System.IO Imports命名空间,或直接指定命名空间的完整路径来调用,如GetDirectoryName,就向下面代码显示的:

Imports System.IO ‘ 测试.Net框架集的路径功能。 Public Sub TestFileFunctionsVBNet() Dim fullFilename As String fullFilename = “C:/Samples/Models/Parts/OilPan/OilPan.ipt” Debug.Print(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fullFilename)) Debug.Print(Path.GetFileName(fullFilename)) Debug.Print(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullFilename)) Debug.Print(Path.GetExtension(fullFilename)) End Sub


C:/Samples/Models/Parts/OilPan OilPan.ipt OilPan .ipt




