




  所用插件:jquery图片放大镜效果插件 jqzoom







  {insert_scripts files=’transportGoods.js’}



  错误: goods.toJSONString is not a function



  出错地方的代码‘flow.php?step=add_to_cart’, ‘goods=’ + goods.toJSONString(), addToCartResponse, ‘POST’, ‘JSON’);



  1、对比transport.js与transportGoods.js 的352行

  legalParams = “JSON=” + params.toJSONString(); //transport.js

  legalParams = “JSON=” + objToJSONString(params); //transportGoods.js

  2、common.js文件的34行:‘flow.php?step=add_to_cart’, ‘goods=’ + goods.toJSONString(), addToCartResponse, ‘POST’, ‘JSON’);

  3、分析1、2中的红色代码区,修改common.js的34行为:‘flow.php?step=add_to_cart’, ‘goods=’ + objToJSONString(goods), addToCartResponse, ‘POST’, ‘JSON’);





View Code

  1 /**  2  * @file            transport.js  3  * @description     用于支持AJAX的传输类。  4  * @author          ECShop R&D Team ( )  5  * @date            2007-03-08 Wednesday  6  * @license         Licensed under the Academic Free License 2.1  7  * @version         1.0.20070308  8 **/  9  10 var Transport = 11 { 12   /* * 13   * 存储本对象所在的文件名。 14   * 15   * @static 16   */ 17   filename : "transportGoods.js", 18  19   /* * 20   * 存储是否进入调试模式的开关,打印调试消息的方式,换行符,调试用的容器的ID。 21   * 22   * @private 23   */ 24   debugging : 25   { 26     isDebugging : 0, 27     debuggingMode : 0, 28     linefeed : "", 29     containerId : 0 30   }, 31  32   /* * 33   * 设置调试模式以及打印调试消息方式的方法。 34   * 35   * @public 36   * @param   {int}   是否打开调试模式      0:关闭,1:打开 37   * @param   {int}   打印调试消息的方式    0:alert,1:innerHTML 38   * 39   */ 40   debug : function (isDebugging, debuggingMode) 41   { 42     this.debugging = 43     { 44       "isDebugging" : isDebugging, 45       "debuggingMode" : debuggingMode, 46       "linefeed" : debuggingMode ? "<br />" : "\n", 47       "containerId" : "dubugging-container" + new Date().getTime() 48     }; 49   }, 50  51   /* * 52   * 传输完毕后自动调用的方法,优先级比用户从run()方法中传入的回调函数高。 53   * 54   * @public 55   */ 56   onComplete : function () 57   { 58   }, 59  60   /* * 61   * 传输过程中自动调用的方法。 62   * 63   * @public 64   */ 65   onRunning : function () 66   { 67   }, 68  69   /* * 70   * 调用此方法发送HTTP请求。 71   * 72   * @public 73   * @param   {string}    url             请求的URL地址 74   * @param   {mix}       params          发送参数 75   * @param   {Function}  callback        回调函数 76   * @param   {string}    ransferMode     请求的方式,有"GET"和"POST"两种 77   * @param   {string}    responseType    响应类型,有"JSON"、"XML"和"TEXT"三种 78   * @param   {boolean}   asyn            是否异步请求的方式 79   * @param   {boolean}   quiet           是否安静模式请求 80   */ 81   run : function (url, params, callback, transferMode, responseType, asyn, quiet) 82   { 83     /* 处理用户在调用该方法时输入的参数 */ 84     params = this.parseParams(params); 85     transferMode = typeof(transferMode) === "string" 86     && transferMode.toUpperCase() === "GET" 87     ? "GET" 88     : "POST"; 89  90     if (transferMode === "GET") 91     { 92       var d = new Date(); 93  94       url += params ? (url.indexOf("?") === - 1 ? "?" : "&") + params : ""; 95       url = encodeURI(url) + (url.indexOf("?") === - 1 ? "?" : "&") + d.getTime() + d.getMilliseconds(); 96       params = null; 97     } 98  99     responseType = typeof(responseType) === "string" && ((responseType = responseType.toUpperCase()) === "JSON" || responseType === "XML") ? responseType : "TEXT";100     asyn = asyn === false ? false : true;101 102     /* 处理HTTP请求和响应 */103     var xhr = this.createXMLHttpRequest();104 105     try106     {107       var self = this;108 109       if (typeof(self.onRunning) === "function" && !quiet)110       {111         self.onRunning();112       }113 114, url, asyn);115 116       if (transferMode === "POST")117       {118         xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");119       }120 121       if (asyn)122       {123         xhr.onreadystatechange = function ()124         {125           if (xhr.readyState == 4)126           {127             switch ( xhr.status )128             {129               case 0:130               case 200: // OK!131                 /*132                  * If the request was to create a new resource133                  * (such as post an item to the database)134                  * You could instead return a status code of '201 Created'135                  */136 137                 if (typeof(self.onComplete) === "function")138                 {139                   self.onComplete();140                 }141 142                 if (typeof(callback) === "function")143                 {144         , self.parseResult(responseType, xhr), xhr.responseText);145                 }146               break;147 148               case 304: // Not Modified149                 /*150                  * This would be used when your Ajax widget is151                  * checking for updated content,152                  * such as the Twitter interface.153                  */154               break;155 156               case 400: // Bad Request157                 /*158                  * A bit like a safety net for requests by your JS interface159                  * that aren't supported on the server.160                  * "Your browser made a request that the server cannot understand"161                  */162                  alert("XmlHttpRequest status: [400] Bad Request");163               break;164 165               case 404: // Not Found166                 alert("XmlHttpRequest status: [404] \nThe requested URL "+url+" was not found on this server.");167               break;168 169               case 409: // Conflict170                 /*171                  * Perhaps your JavaScript request attempted to172                  * update a Database record173                  * but failed due to a conflict174                  * (eg: a field that must be unique)175                  */176               break;177 178               case 503: // Service Unavailable179                 /*180                  * A resource that this request relies upon181                  * is currently unavailable182                  * (eg: a file is locked by another process)183                  */184                  alert("XmlHttpRequest status: [503] Service Unavailable");185               break;186 187               default:188                 alert("XmlHttpRequest status: [" + xhr.status + "] Unknow status.");189             }190 191             xhr = null;192           }193         }194         if (xhr != null) xhr.send(params);195       }196       else197       {198         if (typeof(self.onRunning) === "function")199         {200           self.onRunning();201         }202 203         xhr.send(params);204 205         var result = self.parseResult(responseType, xhr);206         //xhr = null;207 208         if (typeof(self.onComplete) === "function")209         {210           self.onComplete();211         }212         if (typeof(callback) === "function")213         {214 , result, xhr.responseText);215         }216 217         return result;218       }219     }220     catch (ex)221     {222       if (typeof(self.onComplete) === "function")223       {224         self.onComplete();225       }226 227       alert(this.filename + "/run() error:" + ex.description);228     }229   },230 231   /* *232   * 如果开启了调试模式,该方法会打印出相应的信息。233   *234   * @private235   * @param   {string}    info    调试信息236   * @param   {string}    type    信息类型237   */238   displayDebuggingInfo : function (info, type)239   {240     if ( ! this.debugging.debuggingMode)241     {242       alert(info);243     }244     else245     {246 247       var id = this.debugging.containerId;248       if ( ! document.getElementById(id))249       {250         div = document.createElement("DIV");251 = id;252 = "absolute";253 = "98%";254 = "1px solid #f00";255 = "#eef";256         var pageYOffset = document.body.scrollTop257         || window.pageYOffset258         || 0;259 = document.body.clientHeight * 0.6260         + pageYOffset261         + "px";262         document.body.appendChild(div);263         div.innerHTML = "<div></div>"264         + "<hr >265         + "<div></div>";266       }267 268       var subDivs = div.getElementsByTagName("DIV");269       if (type === "param")270       {271         subDivs[0].innerHTML = info;272       }273       else274       {275         subDivs[1].innerHTML = info;276       }277     }278   },279 280   /* *281   * 创建XMLHttpRequest对象的方法。282   *283   * @private284   * @return      返回一个XMLHttpRequest对象285   * @type    Object286   */287   createXMLHttpRequest : function ()288   {289     var xhr = null;290 291     if (window.ActiveXObject)292     {293       var versions = ['Microsoft.XMLHTTP', 'MSXML6.XMLHTTP', 'MSXML5.XMLHTTP', 'MSXML4.XMLHTTP', 'MSXML3.XMLHTTP', 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP', 'MSXML.XMLHTTP'];294 295       for (var i = 0; i < versions.length; i ++ )296       {297         try298         {299           xhr = new ActiveXObject(versions[i]);300           break;301         }302         catch (ex)303         {304           continue;305         }306       }307     }308     else309     {310       xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();311     }312 313     return xhr;314   },315 316   /* *317   * 当传输过程发生错误时将调用此方法。318   *319   * @private320   * @param   {Object}    xhr     XMLHttpRequest对象321   * @param   {String}    url     HTTP请求的地址322   */323   onXMLHttpRequestError : function (xhr, url)324   {325     throw "URL: " + url + "\n"326     +  "readyState: " + xhr.readyState + "\n"327     + "state: " + xhr.status + "\n"328     + "headers: " + xhr.getAllResponseHeaders();329   },330 331   /* *332   * 对将要发送的参数进行格式化。333   *334   * @private335   * @params {mix}    params      将要发送的参数336   * @return 返回合法的参数337   * @type string338   */339   parseParams : function (params)340   {341     var legalParams = "";342     params = params ? params : "";343 344     if (typeof(params) === "string")345     {346       legalParams = params;347     }348     else if (typeof(params) === "object")349     {350       try351       {352         legalParams = "JSON=" + objToJSONString(params);353       }354       catch (ex)355       {356         alert("Can't stringify JSON!");357         return false;358       }359     }360     else361     {362       alert("Invalid parameters!");363       return false;364     }365 366     if (this.debugging.isDebugging)367     {368       var lf = this.debugging.linefeed,369       info = "[Original Parameters]" + lf + params + lf + lf370       + "[Parsed Parameters]" + lf + legalParams;371 372       this.displayDebuggingInfo(info, "param");373     }374 375     return legalParams;376   },377 378   /* *379   * 对返回的HTTP响应结果进行过滤。380   *381   * @public382   * @params   {mix}   result   HTTP响应结果383   * @return  返回过滤后的结果384   * @type string385   */386   preFilter : function (result)387   {388     return result.replace(/\xEF\xBB\xBF/g, "");389   },390 391   /* *392   * 对返回的结果进行格式化。393   *394   * @private395   * @return 返回特定格式的数据结果396   * @type mix397   */398   parseResult : function (responseType, xhr)399   {400     var result = null;401 402     switch (responseType)403     {404       case "JSON" :405         result = this.preFilter(xhr.responseText);406         try407         {408           result = parseObjectToJSON(result);409         }410         catch (ex)411         {412           throw this.filename + "/parseResult() error: can't parse to JSON.\n\n" + xhr.responseText;413         }414         break;415       case "XML" :416         result = xhr.responseXML;417         break;418       case "TEXT" :419         result = this.preFilter(xhr.responseText);420         break;421       default :422         throw this.filename + "/parseResult() error: unknown response type:" + responseType;423     }424 425     if (this.debugging.isDebugging)426     {427       var lf = this.debugging.linefeed,428       info = "[Response Result of " + responseType + " Format]" + lf429       + result;430 431       if (responseType === "JSON")432       {433         info = "[Response Result of TEXT Format]" + lf434         + xhr.responseText + lf + lf435         + info;436       }437 438       this.displayDebuggingInfo(info, "result");439     }440 441     return result;442   }443 };444 445 /* 定义两个别名 */446 var Ajax = Transport;447 =;448 449 /*450     json.js451     2007-03-06452 453     Public Domain454 455     This file adds these methods to JavaScript:456 457         array.toJSONString()458         boolean.toJSONString()459         date.toJSONString()460         number.toJSONString()461         object.toJSONString()462         string.toJSONString()463             These methods produce a JSON text from a JavaScript value.464             It must not contain any cyclical references. Illegal values465             will be excluded.466 467             The default conversion for dates is to an ISO string. You can468             add a toJSONString method to any date object to get a different469             representation.470 471         string.parseJSON(filter)472             This method parses a JSON text to produce an object or473             array. It can throw a SyntaxError exception.474 475             The optional filter parameter is a function which can filter and476             transform the results. It receives each of the keys and values, and477             its return value is used instead of the original value. If it478             returns what it received, then structure is not modified. If it479             returns undefined then the member is deleted.480 481             Example:482 483             // Parse the text. If a key contains the string 'date' then484             // convert the value to a date.485 486             myData = text.parseJSON(function (key, value) {487                 return key.indexOf('date') >= 0 ? new Date(value) : value;488             });489 490     It is expected that these methods will formally become part of the491     JavaScript Programming Language in the Fourth Edition of the492     ECMAScript standard in 2008.493 */494 495 // Augment the basic prototypes if they have not already been augmented.496 /*497 if ( ! Object.prototype.toJSONString) {498     Array.prototype.toJSONString = function () {499         var a = ['['], // The array holding the text fragments.500             b,         // A boolean indicating that a comma is required.501             i,         // Loop counter.502             l = this.length,503             v;         // The value to be stringified.504 505         function p(s) {506 507             // p accumulates text fragments in an array. It inserts a comma before all508             // except the first fragment.509 510             if (b) {511               a.push(',');512             }513             a.push(s);514             b = true;515         }516 517         // For each value in this array...518 519         for (i = 0; i < l; i ++) {520             v = this[i];521             switch (typeof v) {522 523             // Values without a JSON representation are ignored.524 525             case 'undefined':526             case 'function':527             case 'unknown':528                 break;529 530             // Serialize a JavaScript object value. Ignore objects thats lack the531             // toJSONString method. Due to a specification error in ECMAScript,532             // typeof null is 'object', so watch out for that case.533 534             case 'object':535                 if (v) {536                     if (typeof v.toJSONString === 'function') {537                         p(v.toJSONString());538                     }539                 } else {540                     p("null");541                 }542                 break;543 544             // Otherwise, serialize the value.545 546             default:547                 p(v.toJSONString());548             }549         }550 551         // Join all of the fragments together and return.552 553         a.push(']');554         return a.join('');555     };556 557     Boolean.prototype.toJSONString = function () {558         return String(this);559     };560 561     Date.prototype.toJSONString = function () {562 563         // Ultimately, this method will be equivalent to the date.toISOString method.564 565         function f(n) {566 567             // Format integers to have at least two digits.568 569             return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;570         }571 572         return '"' + this.getFullYear() + '-' +573                 f(this.getMonth() + 1) + '-' +574                 f(this.getDate()) + 'T' +575                 f(this.getHours()) + ':' +576                 f(this.getMinutes()) + ':' +577                 f(this.getSeconds()) + '"';578     };579 580     Number.prototype.toJSONString = function () {581 582         // JSON numbers must be finite. Encode non-finite numbers as null.583 584         return isFinite(this) ? String(this) : "null";585     };586 587     Object.prototype.toJSONString = function () {588         var a = ['{'],  // The array holding the text fragments.589             b,          // A boolean indicating that a comma is required.590             k,          // The current key.591             v;          // The current value.592 593         function p(s) {594 595             // p accumulates text fragment pairs in an array. It inserts a comma before all596             // except the first fragment pair.597 598             if (b) {599                 a.push(',');600             }601             a.push(k.toJSONString(), ':', s);602             b = true;603         }604 605         // Iterate through all of the keys in the object, ignoring the proto chain.606 607         for (k in this) {608             if (this.hasOwnProperty(k)) {609                 v = this[k];610                 switch (typeof v) {611 612                 // Values without a JSON representation are ignored.613 614                 case 'undefined':615                 case 'function':616                 case 'unknown':617                     break;618 619                 // Serialize a JavaScript object value. Ignore objects that lack the620                 // toJSONString method. Due to a specification error in ECMAScript,621                 // typeof null is 'object', so watch out for that case.622 623                 case 'object':624                     if (this !== window)625                     {626                       if (v) {627                           if (typeof v.toJSONString === 'function') {628                               p(v.toJSONString());629                           }630                       } else {631                           p("null");632                       }633                     }634                     break;635                 default:636                     p(v.toJSONString());637                 }638             }639         }640 641           // Join all of the fragments together and return.642 643         a.push('}');644         return a.join('');645     };646 647     (function (s) {648 649         // Augment String.prototype. We do this in an immediate anonymous function to650         // avoid defining global variables.651 652         // m is a table of character substitutions.653 654         var m = {655             '\b': '\\b',656             '\t': '\\t',657             '\n': '\\n',658             '\f': '\\f',659             '\r': '\\r',660             '"' : '\\"',661             '\\': '\\\\'662         };663 664         s.parseJSON = function (filter) {665 666             // Parsing happens in three stages. In the first stage, we run the text against667             // a regular expression which looks for non-JSON characters. We are especially668             // concerned with '()' and 'new' because they can cause invocation, and '='669             // because it can cause mutation. But just to be safe, we will reject all670             // unexpected characters.671 672             try {673                 if (/^("(\\.|[^"\\\n\r])*?"|[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t])+?$/.674                         test(this)) {675 676                     // In the second stage we use the eval function to compile the text into a677                     // JavaScript structure. The '{' operator is subject to a syntactic ambiguity678                     // in JavaScript: it can begin a block or an object literal. We wrap the text679                     // in parens to eliminate the ambiguity.680 681                     var j = eval('(' + this + ')');682 683                     // In the optional third stage, we recursively walk the new structure, passing684                     // each name/value pair to a filter function for possible transformation.685 686                     if (typeof filter === 'function') {687 688                         function walk(k, v) {689                             if (v && typeof v === 'object') {690                                 for (var i in v) {691                                     if (v.hasOwnProperty(i)) {692                                         v[i] = walk(i, v[i]);693                                     }694                                 }695                             }696                             return filter(k, v);697                         }698 699                         j = walk('', j);700                     }701                     return j;702                 }703             } catch (e) {704 705             // Fall through if the regexp test fails.706 707             }708             throw new SyntaxError("parseJSON");709         };710 711         s.toJSONString = function () {712 713           // If the string contains no control characters, no quote characters, and no714           // backslash characters, then we can simply slap some quotes around it.715           // Otherwise we must also replace the offending characters with safe716           // sequences.717 718           // add by weberliu @ 2007-4-2719           var _self = this.replace("&", "%26");720 721           if (/["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(this)) {722               return '"' + _self.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\"])/g, function(a, b) {723                   var c = m[b];724                   if (c) {725                       return c;726                   }727                   c = b.charCodeAt();728                   return '\\u00' +729                       Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) +730                       (c % 16).toString(16);731               }) + '"';732           }733           return '"' + _self + '"';734         };735     })(String.prototype);736 }737 */738 739 Ajax.onRunning  = showLoader;740 Ajax.onComplete = hideLoader;741 742 /* *743  * 显示载入信息744  */745 function showLoader()746 {747   document.getElementsByTagName('body').item(0).style.cursor = "wait";748 749   if (top.frames['header-frame'])750   {751     top.frames['header-frame'].document.getElementById("load-div").style.display = "block";752   }753   else754   {755     var obj = document.getElementById('loader');756 757     if ( ! obj && process_request)758     {759       obj = document.createElement("DIV");760 = "loader";761       obj.innerHTML = process_request;762 763       document.body.appendChild(obj);764     }765   }766 }767 768 /* *769  * 隐藏载入信息770  */771 function hideLoader()772 {773   document.getElementsByTagName('body').item(0).style.cursor = "auto";774   if (top.frames['header-frame'])775   {776     setTimeout(function(){top.frames['header-frame'].document.getElementById("load-div").style.display = "none"}, 10);777   }778   else779   {780     try781     {782       var obj = document.getElementById("loader");783 = 'none';784       document.body.removeChild(obj);785     }786     catch (ex)787     {}788   }789 }790 791 function objToJSONString(obj, filter){792     return JSON.stringify(obj, filter);793 }794 795 function parseObjectToJSON(object, filter){796     return JSON.parse(object, filter);797 }



ecshop jquery与transport.js冲突解决方案