Android XMPP通讯自定义Packet&Provider


在xmpp通信过程中,asmack中提供的Packet组件是IQ,Message,Presence三种: IQ用于查询 Message用于消息传递 Presence用于状态交互 他们都是Packet的子类,实质是用于将消息封装成响应的xml格式来进行数据交换,都有着良好的可扩展性。



androidpn (Android Push Notification)是一个基于XMPP协议的java开源Android push notification实现。它包含了完整的客户端和服务器端。


事实上,androidpn-server可以支持app运行于iOS,UWP,Windows,Linux等平台,不仅限于android,因此,希望项目的名称改为XPN(Xmpp Push Notification)似乎更加符合其实际场景,我们以后涉及到Android Push Notification统称为XPN。



项目相关下载站点 – asmack项目地址 – asmack镜像地址

androidpn(XPN) – androidpn下载地址




message是一种基本推送消息方法,它不要求响应。主要用于IM、groupChat、alert和notification之类的应用中。主要 属性如下:

type属性,它主要有5种类型: normal:类似于email,主要特点是不要求响应; chat:类似于qq里的好友即时聊天,主要特点是实时通讯; groupchat:类似于聊天室里的群聊; headline:用于发送alert和notification; error:如果发送message出错,发现错误的实体会用这个类别来通知发送者出错了;



<message to=""  type="chat" >   <body> 你好,在忙吗</body> </message>


presence用来表明用户的状态,如:online、away、dnd(请勿打扰)等。当改变自己的状态时,就会在stream的上下文中插入一个Presence元素,来表明自身的状态。要想接受presence消息,必须经过一个叫做presence subscription的授权过程。 属性:

type属性,非必须。有以下类别 subscribe:订阅其他用户的状态 probe:请求获取其他用户的状态 unavailable:不可用,离线(offline)状态



载荷(payload): show: chat:聊天中 away:暂时离开 xa:eXtend Away,长时间离开 dnd:勿打扰status:格式自由,可阅读的文本。也叫做rich presence或者extended presence,常用来表示用户当前心情,活动,听的歌曲,看的视频,所在的聊天室,访问的网页,玩的游戏等等。priority:范围-128~127。高优先级的resource能接受发送到bare JID的消息,低优先级的resource不能。优先级为<presence from=”alice@wonderland.lit/pda”> <show>xa</show> <status>down the rabbit hole!</status> </presence>


一种请求/响应机制,从一个实体从发送请求,另外一个实体接受请求,并进行响应。例如,client在stream的上下文中插入一个元素,向Server请求得到自己的好友列表,Server返回一个,里面是请求的结果。 主要的属性是type。包括: Get :获取当前域值。类似于http get方法。 Set :设置或替换get查询的值。类似于http put方法。 Result :说明成功的响应了先前的查询。类似于http状态码200。 Error: 查询和响应中出现的错误。<iq from=”alice@wonderland.lit/pda” id=”rr82a1z7″ to=”alice@wonderland.lit” type=”get”> <query xmlns=”jabber:iq:roster”/> </iq>






import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.IQ;/**  * This class represents a notifcatin IQ packet. * * @author Sehwan Noh ( */public class NotificationIQ extends IQ {  private String id;  private String apiKey;  private String title;  private String message;  private String uri;  public NotificationIQ() {  }  @Override  public String getChildElementXML() {    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();    buf.append("<").append("notification").append(" xmlns=\"").append(        "androidpn:iq:notification").append("\">");    if (id != null) {      buf.append("<id>").append(id).append("</id>");    }    buf.append("</").append("notification").append("> ");    return buf.toString();  }  public String getId() {    return id;  }  public void setId(String id) { = id;  }  public String getApiKey() {    return apiKey;  }  public void setApiKey(String apiKey) {    this.apiKey = apiKey;  }  public String getTitle() {    return title;  }  public void setTitle(String title) {    this.title = title;  }  public String getMessage() {    return message;  }  public void setMessage(String message) {    this.message = message;  }  public String getUri() {    return uri;  }  public void setUri(String url) {    this.uri = url;  }}


public abstract class IQ extends Packet {  private Type type = Type.GET;  public IQ() {    super();  }  public IQ(IQ iq) {    super(iq);    type = iq.getType();  }  /**   * Returns the type of the IQ packet.   *   * @return the type of the IQ packet.   */  public Type getType() {    return type;  }  /**   * Sets the type of the IQ packet.   *   * @param type the type of the IQ packet.   */  public void setType(Type type) {    if (type == null) {      this.type = Type.GET;    }    else {      this.type = type;    }  }  public String toXML() {    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();    buf.append("<iq ");    if (getPacketID() != null) {      buf.append("id=\"" + getPacketID() + "\" ");    }    if (getTo() != null) {      buf.append("to=\"").append(StringUtils.escapeForXML(getTo())).append("\" ");    }    if (getFrom() != null) {      buf.append("from=\"").append(StringUtils.escapeForXML(getFrom())).append("\" ");    }    if (type == null) {      buf.append("type=\"get\">");    }    else {      buf.append("type=\"").append(getType()).append("\">");    }    // Add the query section if there is one.    String queryXML = getChildElementXML();    if (queryXML != null) {      buf.append(queryXML);    }    // Add the error sub-packet, if there is one.    XMPPError error = getError();    if (error != null) {      buf.append(error.toXML());    }    buf.append("</iq>");    return buf.toString();  }  /**   * Returns the sub-element XML section of the IQ packet, or <tt>null</tt> if there   * isn't one. Packet extensions <b>must</b> be included, if any are defined.<p>   *   * Extensions of this class must override this method.   *   * @return the child element section of the IQ XML.   */  public abstract String getChildElementXML();  /**   * Convenience method to create a new empty {@link Type#RESULT IQ.Type.RESULT}   * IQ based on a {@link Type#GET IQ.Type.GET} or {@link Type#SET IQ.Type.SET}   * IQ. The new packet will be initialized with:<ul>   *   <li>The sender set to the recipient of the originating IQ.   *   <li>The recipient set to the sender of the originating IQ.   *   <li>The type set to {@link Type#RESULT IQ.Type.RESULT}.   *   <li>The id set to the id of the originating IQ.   *   <li>No child element of the IQ element.   * </ul>   *   * @param iq the {@link Type#GET IQ.Type.GET} or {@link Type#SET IQ.Type.SET} IQ packet.   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the IQ packet does not have a type of   *   {@link Type#GET IQ.Type.GET} or {@link Type#SET IQ.Type.SET}.   * @return a new {@link Type#RESULT IQ.Type.RESULT} IQ based on the originating IQ.   */  public static IQ createResultIQ(final IQ request) {    if (!(request.getType() == Type.GET || request.getType() == Type.SET)) {      throw new IllegalArgumentException(          "IQ must be of type 'set' or 'get'. Original IQ: " + request.toXML());    }    final IQ result = new IQ() {      public String getChildElementXML() {        return null;      }    };    result.setType(Type.RESULT);    result.setPacketID(request.getPacketID());    result.setFrom(request.getTo());    result.setTo(request.getFrom());    return result;  }  /**   * Convenience method to create a new {@link Type#ERROR IQ.Type.ERROR} IQ   * based on a {@link Type#GET IQ.Type.GET} or {@link Type#SET IQ.Type.SET}   * IQ. The new packet will be initialized with:<ul>   *   <li>The sender set to the recipient of the originating IQ.   *   <li>The recipient set to the sender of the originating IQ.   *   <li>The type set to {@link Type#ERROR IQ.Type.ERROR}.   *   <li>The id set to the id of the originating IQ.   *   <li>The child element contained in the associated originating IQ.   *   <li>The provided {@link XMPPError XMPPError}.   * </ul>   *   * @param iq the {@link Type#GET IQ.Type.GET} or {@link Type#SET IQ.Type.SET} IQ packet.   * @param error the error to associate with the created IQ packet.   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the IQ packet does not have a type of   *   {@link Type#GET IQ.Type.GET} or {@link Type#SET IQ.Type.SET}.   * @return a new {@link Type#ERROR IQ.Type.ERROR} IQ based on the originating IQ.   */  public static IQ createErrorResponse(final IQ request, final XMPPError error) {    if (!(request.getType() == Type.GET || request.getType() == Type.SET)) {      throw new IllegalArgumentException(          "IQ must be of type 'set' or 'get'. Original IQ: " + request.toXML());    }    final IQ result = new IQ() {      public String getChildElementXML() {        return request.getChildElementXML();      }    };    result.setType(Type.ERROR);    result.setPacketID(request.getPacketID());    result.setFrom(request.getTo());    result.setTo(request.getFrom());    result.setError(error);    return result;  }  /**   * A class to represent the type of the IQ packet. The types are:   *   * <ul>   *   <li>IQ.Type.GET   *   <li>IQ.Type.SET   *   <li>IQ.Type.RESULT   *   <li>IQ.Type.ERROR   * </ul>   */  public static class Type {    public static final Type GET = new Type("get");    public static final Type SET = new Type("set");    public static final Type RESULT = new Type("result");    public static final Type ERROR = new Type("error");    /**     * Converts a String into the corresponding types. Valid String values     * that can be converted to types are: "get", "set", "result", and "error".     *     * @param type the String value to covert.     * @return the corresponding Type.     */    public static Type fromString(String type) {      if (type == null) {        return null;      }      type = type.toLowerCase();      if (GET.toString().equals(type)) {        return GET;      }      else if (SET.toString().equals(type)) {        return SET;      }      else if (ERROR.toString().equals(type)) {        return ERROR;      }      else if (RESULT.toString().equals(type)) {        return RESULT;      }      else {        return null;      }    }    private String value;    private Type(String value) {      this.value = value;    }    public String toString() {      return value;    }  }}


<iq from=""> <nofitication xlns=""><iq>






public interface IQProvider {  /**   * Parse the IQ sub-document and create an IQ instance. Each IQ must have a   * single child element. At the beginning of the method call, the xml parser   * will be positioned at the opening tag of the IQ child element. At the end   * of the method call, the parser <b>must</b> be positioned on the closing tag   * of the child element.   *   * @param parser an XML parser.   * @return a new IQ instance.   * @throws Exception if an error occurs parsing the XML.   */  public IQ parseIQ(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception;}


public class NotificationIQProvider implements IQProvider {  public NotificationIQProvider() {  }  @Override  public IQ parseIQ(XmlPullParser parser) throws Exception {    NotificationIQ notification = new NotificationIQ();    for (boolean done = false; !done;) {      int eventType =;      if (eventType == 2) {        if ("id".equals(parser.getName())) {          notification.setId(parser.nextText());        }        if ("apiKey".equals(parser.getName())) {          notification.setApiKey(parser.nextText());        }        if ("title".equals(parser.getName())) {          notification.setTitle(parser.nextText());        }        if ("message".equals(parser.getName())) {          notification.setMessage(parser.nextText());        }        if ("uri".equals(parser.getName())) {          notification.setUri(parser.nextText());        }      } else if (eventType == 3          && "notification".equals(parser.getName())) {        done = true;      }    }    return notification;  }}


ProviderManager.getInstance().addIQProvider("notification",              "androidpn:iq:notification",              new NotificationIQProvider());


 Object provider = ProviderManager.getInstance().getIQProvider(elementName, namespace);          if (provider != null) {            if (provider instanceof IQProvider) {              iqPacket = ((IQProvider)provider).parseIQ(parser);            }            else if (provider instanceof Class) {              iqPacket = (IQ)PacketParserUtils.parseWithIntrospection(elementName,                  (Class<?>)provider, parser);            }          }


Android XMPP通讯自定义Packet&Provider


