25 Rounded Corners Techniques with CSS

* This post is regularly updated. *
Rounded corners is one of the most popular and frequently requested CSS techniques even the father of internet also launch the rounded corners style markup with her and let users to custom their ads recently. Actually, there are a lot of methods and techniques to create rounded corners with Cascading Stylesheets. Some are quite simple just need pure CSS, and a part of them need 2 to 4 background corner images and Javascript. So i select some quality and usable rounded corners with CSS techniques for you to have the best choices.


ThrashBox – create rounded-corner boxes with visual flare and the absolute minimal amount of semantically correct markup.

Even More Rounded Corners With CSS – nice technique with fluid rounded corner dialogs and support for borders, alpha transparency throughout, gradients andpatterns.

25 Rounded Corners Techniques with CSS


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