注意mysql 中一订要用decimal标识货币的值

注意mysql 中一订要用decimal标识货币的值

注意mysql 中一定要用decimal标识货币的值

注意mysql 中一定要用decimal标识货币的值!不要用float了,举例说明:


Create Table LedgerEntries


LedgerEntryID Int Primary Key Auto_Increment Not Null

,CustomerID Int Not Null

,Amount Float Not Null



Insert Into LedgerEntries (CustomerID, Amount)

Values (1, 3.14);

Insert Into LedgerEntries (CustomerID, Amount)

Values (1, 30000.14);


Select * From LedgerEntries;


| LedgerEntryID | CustomerID | Amount  |


|             1 |          1 |    3.14 |

|             2 |          1 | 30000.1 |



  Create Table LedgerEntries


LedgerEntryID Int Primary Key Auto_Increment Not Null

,CustomerID Int Not Null

,Amount Decimal(10,2) Not Null


Insert Into LedgerEntries (CustomerID, Amount)

Values (1, 3.14);

— This is the largest value we can insert into a Decimal(10,2)

— if we have two numbers to the right of the decimal point

Insert Into LedgerEntries (CustomerID, Amount)

Values (1, 99999999.99);

Select * From LedgerEntries;


| LedgerEntryID | CustomerID | Amount      |


|             1 |          1 |        3.14 |

|             2 |          1 | 99999999.99 |


2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


注意mysql 中一订要用decimal标识货币的值


